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Chapter 12 Page 404 Adding User's Information To Pdf

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In chapter 12 page 404 sidebar Titled "Adding USER INFROMATION TO PDFS"

 in paragraph 2 the Author said, When the user views a pdf, we could write her emails and Names on top and bottom of each page.

 please, can you send me the script to implement  this. or any excellent tutorial that cover it on internet  I'm really interested. Like this particular e-book I'm using the name is written at the bottom of every page and when buying the e-book they will ask you to wait for say Ten minutes then they would send you a link to download the e-book in pdf and epub  and so on.


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First, you'd need to choose a PDF editing tool that works on the command line. I used to use FPDF or PDFLib. I'm not sure what options exist now. But choose one, and then see how to add a watermark to an existing PDF using that library. Then you'd have your code open the PDF template, add the watermark, and save it as a new file. 

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Thanks, I will try it. I would have try this suggestion before but when you said "it involves much more programming and server processing to write the user information to each PDF displayed on the fly" in the book and that was making me to think whether it would be a programming thing.

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If you were to use FPDF or any library, it would be dynamic. You'd have your PHP code add the user's info to the PDF programmatically, outputting a new PDF, and then you would provide that PDF to just that user. 

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