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Cgridview By Attributes


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I have been using the Yii Book to create an admin module for a site I didn't create that uses the yii framework.


I was able to successfully create the module, apply login functionality to it, and implement Yii booster for extendedgrid functionality with inline editing.


I can link the text from a column using the foreign key relation to a different model's view (primary key) and display those results using the TbExtendedGridView.  What doesn't seem to work for me is displaying the results according to a different attribute other than the primary key.







public function actionAdminLinked($id)
	     $model = $this->loadModel($id, 'Registrations');

			$this->performAjaxValidation($model, 'registrations-form');

			if (isset($_POST['Registrations'])) {

				if ($model->save()) {
					$this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->ID));

			$this->render('adminlinked', array(
					'model' => $model,

	public function actionDivisionlevel($id)

			$this->performAjaxValidation($model, 'registrations-form');

			$this->render('adminlinked', array(
					'model' => $model,


Note: I'd like to add the ability to display player names (2 to 4 depending on the registration), division and level names (through divisionLevel relations).


actionAdminLinked displays results correctly.

actiondivisionLevel displays a blank screen.


What on earth am I doing wrong that I can't seem to get this to work?  I've tried for hours.

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I figured out what I was doing wrong.  I now just use the admin.php view for both, but with different controller actions.

public function actionAdminLinked($id)
	    $model = new Registrations('search');

		if (isset($_GET['Registrations']))
			$model->ID = $id;

		$this->render('admin', array(
			'model' => $model,

	public function actionDivisionlevel($id)
		$model = new Registrations('search');

		if (isset($_GET['Registrations']))
			$model->divisionLevelID = $id;

		$this->render('admin', array(
			'model' => $model,


I still don't know how to display the many players for each registration in the GridView, if anyone has a clue please help!

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