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Creating Views With Changeble Variables/Similar?

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Note: This query is actually returning the right/correct data. You may skip the initial explanation...


I'm currently working on a large query with a lot of subqueries. What I need to do, is to count the total number of games won, defeated and undecided. (by example, a 1-1 score). The count should be based on a specific team and also differ between home and away matches.


This is the structure of the result from the query:

Team / home_wins / home_defeats / home_undecided / away_wins / away_defeats / away_undecided


What I'm wondering:


The problem is that subqueries cannot return more than ONE result. Because of this, the calculations needs to be performed on a per-league-bases. Because I'll still need similar functionality next season, I'm wondering if I could make a function/use a changable variable here. It should be possible to change the league_id for this calculation every year, or even better, find a way to calculate each league of it's own. I just don't think that's possible.


Here's the query:


SET @league_id = 11;
SET @club_id = 11;

games.league_id AS league_id,
league.name AS league,

(  SELECT SUM(goals_club1 > goals_club2)
  FROM cnk_soccer_games
  WHERE club1_id = @club_id AND league_id = @league_id )  AS home_wins,
(  SELECT SUM(goals_club1 = goals_club2)
  FROM cnk_soccer_games
  WHERE club1_id = @club_id AND league_id = @league_id )  AS home_undecided,
(  SELECT SUM(goals_club1 < goals_club2)
  FROM cnk_soccer_games
  WHERE club1_id = @club_id AND league_id = @league_id )  AS home_lost,
(  SELECT SUM(goals_club1 < goals_club2)
  FROM cnk_soccer_games
  WHERE club2_id = @club_id AND league_id = @league_id )  AS away_wins,
(  SELECT SUM(goals_club1 = goals_club2)
  FROM cnk_soccer_games
  WHERE club2_id = @club_id AND league_id = @league_id )  AS away_undecided,
(  SELECT SUM(goals_club1 > goals_club2)
  FROM cnk_soccer_games
  WHERE club2_id = @club_id AND league_id = @league_id )  AS away_lost

FROM cnk_soccer_games AS games
INNER JOIN cnk_soccer_league AS league ON ( games.league_id = league.id )

  games.goals_club1 IS NOT NULL OR games.goals_club2 IS NOT NULL 
AND league_id = @league_id

GROUP BY games.league_id


An explanation of the query:

- The query is only counting games from league_id 11

- Only counting games where the score is not NULL (the games are already played)

- The results are grouped on a per-league-basis


- Each subquery checks the score of club1 to that of club2 (home and away team)

- The result of the sub-queries depends on the comparisons (should the home/away team win?).... And to wheater OUR team is the home or away team


Hope someone can help me with this. :)

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Yeah, yeah. Thanks. Monday disappeared, along with Wednesday and most of Friday. Okay, sorry about the delay.


So, not a great answer yet, but it seems to me that this is a good occasion to use a VIEW. Anytime I have a complicated query that I'd like to turn into a simple query, I think of a VIEW. Also, you don't explain what your schema is, but it's possible that a change there would make this easier.


As for changing this from year to year, that should be quite easy using a variable.

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