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Can I Use Cookie In A Poll Script To Avoid Multiple Voting?

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I'm trying to make a poll script, where users can select an answer for a particular question. How to avoid multiple answers from the same user?

I tried to set a cookie in the questions.php page which displays questions and answers. Then trying to access that cookie in submitanswer.php page, to run it if(!isset($_COOKIE['poll']) { // update the answer counting. } else { echo "only one answer" }.


But this is not working. The cookie is always set as it is coming from the previous page, in this scenario. How can a cookie be helpful here? Or is there anything else I need to know/do?


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if you have it setup where the person has to be logged in then create a table in mysql that logs there userid and the poll id then if it exists give the error that they already answered the poll if not you can log there ip address instead of a userid, when using cookies they can easily delete it and poll again atleat with a database they can't

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