Archives For yii

I’m working on Part 3 of “The Yii Book”, and have made reference to the fact that I’ve been working on Chapter 15, “Internationalization,” and Chapter 16, “Leaving the Browser.” These are not the original chapters, per the first table of contents. Here, then, is an updated table of contents. These are still subject to change, but considering there’s not that much of the book left, there probably won’t be any dramatic changes.

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Let’s look at a different way of rendering view files: using static pages. The difference between a static page and a standard page in the site is that the static page does not change based upon any input. In other words, a dynamic page might display information based upon a provided model instance, but a static page just displays some hard-coded HTML (in theory).

This is an excerpt from Chapter 7, “Working with Controllers,” of “The Yii Book”.

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Content decorators are a less heralded but interesting feature of the Yii framework. Content decorators allow you to hijack the view rendering process and add some additional stuff around the view file being rendered. In this excerpt from Chapter 7, “Working with Controllers,” of “The Yii Book”, I’ll explain what content decorators are and how you use them. (This does assume you have some familiarity with Yii and how it renders the complete layout.)

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I’m happy to announce that a new version has been posted today. This version includes Chapter 13, “Using Extensions,” and Chapter 14, “JavaScript and jQuery.” This concludes Part 2 of the book (better late than never, eh?).

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Quick update on my progress on “The Yii Book”…

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