I’m extremely happy to say that I’ll be one of the speakers at php[tek] 2014 this May in Chicago, Illinois! php[tek] is one of the best-regarded PHP conferences around, and this year you’ll again find an all-star line-up (plus me). The conference itself runs for 2.5 days, from May 21st to the 23rd, with one additional tutorial day and a training day (on the 20th and 19th, respectively).
If you look at the schedule, you’ll see that just a smattering of the excellent talks and tutorials include:
- Grumpy Unit Testing Bootcamp by Chris Hartjes
- Introduction to Databases by Davey Shafik
- Advanced Date/Time Handling with PHP by Derrik Rethans
- Modern PHP by Ben Ramsey
- How to Be a Great Developer by Edward Finkler
- Working with Difficult People by Laura Thomson
- Socket Programming with PHP by Elizabeth Smith
- Git and Github: Working Effectively on a Team by Jeff Carouth
There’s just tons of great stuff here, from the basic to the advanced, from the non-technical to the very technical. I’m really looking forward to attending it. But I’m also speaking…
I’ll be doing two talks:
I’m thrilled to be doing both talks and honored that the latter was selected as a keynote. It’s a talk I really like: personal, meaningful, and useful. The Yii talk will be an introduction to, and demonstration of, Yii 2.
And if all that wasn’t enough, the conference takes place in the city of Chicago, Illinois, my hometown! Well, just outside of the city… If you come, I can regale you with stories of a young Larry Ullman, angst youth in Chicago in the John Hughes-modeled 1980’s. Or I could not. Up to you, really.
So what else do you need to know? Go buy your ticket, because I hope to see you there!