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Posts posted by Julio

  1. you will need to install MAMP, which you can download from this link, http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html. Ensure that you have the correct operating system required. Once you've installed MAMP, you will hve a new test environment and you can use phpmyadmin to set passwords.


    Thank you for this answer, I've actually erased mamp folder and will now proceed to replacing it to its prior location. furthermore I would feel comfortable if any of you could reassure me that It is okay to have made changes on the terminal regarding php module and of course the installation of mysql. What should be the best course of action regarding those two, Would it be a problem to leave those installed as is. I would need to dl a program to let me see hidden files before i can access usr to erase mysql folder.


    So Im on the MAMP configuration. again, I'll let you know how it goes.


  2. I tried to Install MySQL and accidentally typed an wrong password (mistake from copy paste) : the password I think is new-password. But it also may not be so. The truth being Followint the appendix a on the third edition of Larrys MySQL and PHP:Dynamic websites book returned a connection failed error with password : NO.


    this is what it returns now:


    unknown-00-17-f2-c4-cd-70:bin juliositgespomares$ mysqladmin –u root password ➝ 0bservar8

    -bash: mysqladmin: command not found

    unknown-00-17-f2-c4-cd-70:bin juliositgespomares$


    I tried to show you what I wrote before since it is what I saw, but it returned something different.


    I want to install the environment on My iMac with in tell processor.

    And Used the web to figure out how to use the PHP that came with the computer, I have lion installed.


    I thought that reinstalling MySQL would set blank the password but I still can't set a password and I need help thoroughly to set my testing environment. So far when I check a php on Safari all i can see is the code (raw) not parsed as Larry writes in his amazing book.


    Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated.


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