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Posts posted by Carol_Beaman

  1. I have these two lines that are causing me issues. I believe it is a JavaScript issue, but not sure. I'm using Aptana to view my pages and edit them. I keep getting an error that reads unknown attribute "onfocus", but I can't find anything in my new book...I'm new to js so any help would be great. Here are the lines of code that is killing me:


    <label id="hideState"><input type="password" id="ppp_password" name="ppp_password" size="30" onfocus="onInputKeyUp(2);" /></label>

    <label id="showState"><input type="text" id="ppp_password_show" name="ppp_password_show" size="30" onfocus="onInputKeyUp(2);" /></label>


    These are the lines that have the error indicator.


    What is happening when this is ran in simulation is that the 1st input area is disappearing and it is pushing the second input area one line down and to the left. Below is the JavaScript that is associated with the above lines of code, I think. Also there is other JavaScript code that doesn't apply to my lines, but I'm not sure which ones effect my lines and which don't. Again, I'm new to JavaScript. Thank you, Carol Beaman



    <script type="text/javascript">

    var availInfNames = '<%ejGetOther(availInfNames, all)%>';

    var wanInfNames = '<%ejGetOther(wanInterfaces, all)%>';

    var layer2Info = '<%ejGetOther(layer2Info, all)%>';

    var traffictype = '<%ejGetOther(trafficType, 0)%>';

    var l2info = layer2Info.split('|');

    var wanInf = "";

    var redirect = "quick.html";

    var infname = 'atm0/(0_0_35)';

    var ppp_pwd = '';

    var wantype = '';

    var layer2Infoptm = '<%ejGetOther(layer2Info, PTM)%>';

    var l2infoptm = layer2Infoptm.split('|');

    var key = '<%ejGetOther(encrypt_key, 0)%>';

    vId = l2infoptm[8];

    vPr = l2infoptm[9];


    function onInputKeyUp(index) {

    var form = document.forms[0];


    if (index == 1) {

    document.getElementById("hideState").style.display = "block";

    document.getElementById("showState").style.display = "none";

    } else {

    document.getElementById("hideState").style.display = "none";

    document.getElementById("showState").style.display = "block";





    function do_load() {

    var form = document.forms[0];

    var dns_type = "";

    if (wanInfNames != '') {

    var wanNameTypes = wanInfNames.split('|');

    var nameType = wanNameTypes[0].split(':');

    var wanEntryInfo = nameType[4].split(';');

    wanInf = nameType[1];

    infname = nameType[0];

    wantype = nameType[3];

    if (wantype == "PPPoE") {

    var ppp_usr_name = decodeUrl(wanEntryInfo[0]);

    var idx = ppp_usr_name.indexOf('@');


    if (idx == -1) {

    form.ppp_username.value = ppp_usr_name;

    form.ppp_domain.selectedIndex = 1;

    } else {

    var domain_name = ppp_usr_name.substring(idx);


    if (domain_name == "@qwest.net") {

    form.ppp_domain.selectedIndex = 0;

    form.ppp_username.value = ppp_usr_name.substring(0, idx);


    /* else

    if (domain_name == "@qwest.com")



    form.ppp_username.value = ppp_usr_name;



    /* else if (domain_name=="@msndsl.net")



    form.ppp_username.value =ppp_usr_name.substring(0,idx);



    else {

    form.ppp_username.value = ppp_usr_name;

    form.ppp_domain.selectedIndex = 1;



    ppp_pwd = wanEntryInfo[1];

    if (wanEntryInfo[1] == "")

    pass_len = 0;


    pass_len = 100;


    if (pass_len > 0) {

    form.ppp_password.value = "********";

    form.ppp_password_show.value = "";

    } else {

    form.ppp_password.value = "";

    form.ppp_password_show.value = "";



    var wanEntryName = infname;

    var index = wanEntryName.indexOf("(");


    if (index != -1) {

    /* dsl wan */

    var index2 = wanEntryName.indexOf(")");

    sid = wanEntryName.substring(index + 1, index2);

    } else

    sid = infname;


    } else {

    var names = availInfNames.split('|');

    var regexp = /^ptm/;


    if (traffictype == 'PTM') {

    regexp = /^ptm/;

    } else if (traffictype == 'ATM') {

    regexp = /^atm|^pppoa|^ipoa/;

    } else {

    regexp = /^ptm/;

    traffictype = "PTM";




    for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

    if (names.search(regexp) != -1) {

    infname = names;










    function On_Apply() {

    var lochead = 'quick.cmd?';

    var loc = '';

    var msg = '';

    var rege = /[^A-Za-z0-9@\-._!\"\#$%\&\'\(\)\*+,\/:\;\<\>=?\`{\|}\~\[\\\]^\ ]/;

    var mat;

    with(document.forms[0] ) {

    if (wanInf == '')

    loc += 'serviceId=0';

    else/* editing */

    loc += 'serviceId=1&wanInf=' + wanInf;

    loc += '&wanL2IfName=' + infname;


    var len = ppp_username.value.length;

    mat = ppp_username.value.match(rege);

    if (len > 246) {

    msg = 'The length of user name (' + len + ') is too long [0-246].';

    // alert(msg);

    pop_up(msg, 0);


    } else if (mat) {

    if (mat.length > 0) {

    // alert("The username is invalid. Please enter a valid one.");

    tips = "The username is invalid. Please enter a valid one.";

    pop_up(tips, 0);



    } else {

    var realmIdx = ppp_username.value.indexOf('@');

    var realmString = '';

    if (realmIdx != -1) {

    realmString = ppp_username.value.substring(realmIdx + 1, len);

    if (realmString.indexOf('@') != -1) {

    msg = 'Invalid username format, please input valid entry.';

    // alert(msg);

    pop_up(msg, 0);





    //if ((encodeUrl(ppp_username.value)).indexOf('@') != -1)

    if (realmIdx != -1) {

    if (ppp_username.value == "connect@qwest.com")

    loc += '&pppUserName=' + newEncodeUrl(ppp_username.value);

    else if (ppp_domain.selectedIndex == 0) {

    realmString = ppp_username.value.substring(0, realmIdx);

    loc += '&pppUserName=' + newEncodeUrl(realmString + ppp_domain.value);

    } else if (ppp_domain.selectedIndex == 1) {

    loc += '&pppUserName=' + newEncodeUrl(ppp_username.value);


    } else {

    loc += '&pppUserName=' + newEncodeUrl(ppp_username.value + ppp_domain.value);




    // password was handed as below:

    ppp_password.value = ppp_password_show.value;

    len = ppp_password.value.length;

    if (len > 32) {

    msg = 'The length of password (' + len + ') is too long [0-32].';

    // alert(msg);

    pop_up(msg, 0);


    } else if (ppp_password.value == "********") {

    loc += '&pppPassword=' + newEncodeUrl(ppp_pwd);

    } else {

    loc += '&pppPassword=' + newEncodeUrl(ppp_password.value);


    loc += '&ntwkPrtcl=0';

    if (traffictype == "PTM") {

    loc += '&vlanMuxId=' + vId;

    loc += '&vlanMuxPr=' + vPr;




    document.getElementById('apply_btn').disabled = true;

    loc += '&redirect=' + redirect;

    loc += '&needthankyou=quick.html';

    loc = encrypt_query(loc, key);

    lochead += loc;

    //var code = 'location="' + lochead + '"';





    function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

    var d = document;

    if (d.images) {

    if (!d.MM_p) {

    d.MM_p = new Array();


    var i, j = d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments;

    for ( i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

    if (a.indexOf("#") != 0) {

    d.MM_p[j] = new Image;

    d.MM_p[j++].src = a;






    function MM_swapImgRestore() {//v3.0

    var i, x, a = document.MM_sr;

    for ( i = 0; a && i < a.length && ( x = a) && x.oSrc; i++) {

    x.src = x.oSrc;




    function MM_findObj(n, d) {//v4.01

    var p, i, x;

    if (!d) {

    d = document;


    if (( p = n.indexOf("?")) > 0 && parent.frames.length) {

    d = parent.frames[n.substring(p + 1)].document;

    n = n.substring(0, p);


    if (!( x = d[n]) && d.all) {

    x = d.all[n];


    for ( i = 0; !x && i < d.forms.length; i++) {

    x = d.forms[n];


    for ( i = 0; !x && d.layers && i < d.layers.length; i++) {

    x = MM_findObj(n, d.layers.document);


    if (!x && d.getElementById) {

    x = d.getElementById(n);


    return x;



    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments;

    document.MM_sr = new Array;

    for ( i = 0; i < (a.length - 2); i += 3) {

    if (( x = MM_findObj(a)) != null) {

    document.MM_sr[j++] = x;

    if (!x.oSrc) {

    x.oSrc = x.src;


    x.src = a[i + 2];






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