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Posts posted by Paul_Blackpool

  1. I'm tying myself up in knots with this. I've tried it all ways but can't get it to work. Could I be cheeky and ask just how to code it.


    the form field is


    <input type="text" id="Editbox1" style="position:absolute;left:135px;top:45px;width:198px;height:23px;line-height:23px;z-index:3;" name="first_name" value="" title="First Name:" placeholder="First Name:">


    This is how I did it


    <script type="text/javascript">
    <!--header('Location: success.php?name=' . $Editbox1);


    And this was what I put on the success page

    Thank you $first_name Your email was sent to us.

  2. I'm going to finish building the site using subfolders because it's easier for me to find things (I'm learning as I go) instead of there being just one long list of pages. You are right though if I change any of the images in the future or someone suggests a new nifty nav bar then I would have to go through all the subfolders and change things, so when I finish it I will take the pages out of subfolders so it's easier to update in the future.


    Ive finished the structure and created all the forms, so now for the tricky part of custom codeing them so they display the data right and put things into and retreive from the database.


    I may be on here rather often asking for help and some of the things I ask will probally seem obvious to the more experianced lads so, I will appologise in advance if i become a nusence. I am determined to get this site built i started to learn this because I got fed up of people who said they could build us a site, got half way through it and then vanished of the face of the earth and left us high and dry but not before they got paid for what they had already done. So I bought Lary's book and away I went.

  3. Thats what it is hartley. Some of the pages are in subfolders. I have added an extra menue to the nav bar and it updates all the pages OK regardless if they are in the main site folder or a subfolder. I have to copy over the images into the subfolders image folder for some reason but anyway it works and everything updates all the changes made to the header. If i go into one of the pages say about the address is just www.trsb.co.uk/about.php but if I go into a page thats in a subfolder the address is www.trsb.co.uk/contact_folder/contact.php Can you see the subfolder "contact_folder"/contact.php. Its like putting the header and footer into an "Includes" folder. It keeps the site structure tidy.

  4. Just noticed that when I include the header on a page that's not in a folder all I need is include ('includes/header.html');


    If I include a page thats actually in a folder when I test the page it says it cant find the includes path, so on those pages I have added the path i.e

    include ('..//includes/header.html'); then it works fine and displays the header OK in the browser.


    Is this normal or have I done something wrong again?


    I have pages that display from the site and then I have folders like Jobseekers folder with all the pages relating to jobseekers contained in the folder. I've done this just to keep the directory tidy.

  5. I have 2 pages "Contact.php" and "Success.php"


    The contact form has the fields validated in javascript i.e

    <script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function Validategeneral_contact_form(theForm)
    var regexp;
    if (theForm.Editbox1.value == "")
    alert("You Forgot To Enter Your First Name!");
    return false;



    When the user presses the submit, if all is ok the user is re-directed to the success page that just says your details have been sent. What I would like to know how can I get the success page to display "Thank you Billy, your details have been sent.


    I have tried a few senarios but none seem to work.

  6. Just noticed a problem and not sure what I am doing wrong.


    I think I have the <title><php echo $page_title; ?></title> statement in the right place but when I test the page through the local server i get


    <php echo $page_title; ?>


    Attached the code from the header and the home page. If I take the php statements out and put a name in the title tags it returns 'local host'

    This is the header page code
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <title><php echo $page_title; ?></title>
    This is the home page code
    $page_title = 'Home';
    include ('header.html');
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

  7. Thanks Hartley.


    I'm starting to get my head round building this website now. I'm doing it in a program called wisywyg web editor. You can drag and drop images and it has all sorts of ready made things like login pages and ready made javascripts. It seems to put a lot of CSS code on the page but once I see past that it's not to bad.


    made a few changes if you want to look http://www.trsb.co.uk.


    Thanks for all the help.





  8. I have created Jobseeker Registration form and tested it. All's working fine and the email that's received works correctly, however I do have a slight problem.


    In combobox 1 there are descriptions of the categories ie Agriculture, Catering and Hotel Work ect they are in the "Item Text" each name has a value ie Agriculture is value 1, Catering and Hotel Work is value 2 and so on.


    When I looked at the database in the table the form has put in the values ie:-


    job_category 1, 2, ect. How can I get the job category descriptions so the database displays them. I have tried entering the description in the value field and changing the code to read as below but that doesnt work. When I select a job category the 2nd combo box is empty.


    var combo1 = document.getElementById('Combobox1');

    var combo2 = document.getElementById('Combobox2');

    var selected = combo1.options[combo1.options.selectedIndex].value;

    if (selected == Agriculture)


    I think I've added the right codeand posted it right this time


    Any help would be apreciated



    <script type="text/javascript">
    function fillSecondCombo()
      var combo1 = document.getElementById('Combobox1');
      var combo2 = document.getElementById('Combobox2');
      var selected = combo1.options[combo1.options.selectedIndex].value;
      if (selected == 1)
      combo2.options.length = 3;
      combo2.options[0] = new Option("Please Select", "Please Select");
      combo2.options[1] = new Option("Agricultural Engineer", "Agricultural Engineer");
      combo2.options[2] = new Option("Animal Care", "Animal Care");
    <select name="job_cat" size="1" id="Combobox1" onchange="fillSecondCombo();return false;" style="position:absolute;left:138px;top:451px;width:167px;height:22px;z-index:14;" title="Job Category:">
    <option selected value="0">Please select an option</option>
    <option value="1">Agriculture</option>
    <option value="2">Catering and Hotel Work</option>
    <select name="job_skills[]" multiple size="1" id="Combobox2" style="position:absolute;left:127px;top:548px;width:202px;height:163px;z-index:15;" title="Job Skills:">

  9. Well I think I have just created my first website. I have not yet implimented the checkboxes and I have to create another area of the site to post and search jobs (That should be challenging) but all in all for a first attempt, well I think its OK.


    Would apreciate you more experianced lads taking a look and see if I have obviously done anything wrong.


    The site address is:




    I would like to thank you all for your help and advice.

  10. Thanks HartleySan that’s a big help for me.

    margux I understand what you’re saying. I’m new to this and I had to start learning because I was let

    down by people who were supposed to be website developers.


    I am using a program called wisywig web editor because it’s easy. It’s like building the pages in word and has drag and drop functions, however it only generates the code and you can’t edit it from within the program. I have noticed that when you create a blank page it does have a lot of little code and I am not really sure what it means half of the time. I think I will study it tonight and see if I can get my head round it.


    HartleySan has always been very helpful when I have got stuck and tells me how to do things in a way that I can understand.


    I will get better with time (Promise)

  11. I was wandering if someone could help with this. I have created 2 combo boxes and the values from combo1 populate combo2. Combo box 2 is multi select.


    I then created the form processor to send the user a copy of what they have selected from the form.


    The problem I have is when the email is received by the user, where I have added "Main Industry" it shows a number. How can I get the email to show the main value i.e. "Agriculture" "Hospitality" instead of the values "1" "2"


    The second thing I cannot seem to work out is where I have "Job Skills" on the email which is basically values from combo2. It will only send the user 1 item, so if the user holds down the CTRL key and selects 3 items it's only the last item that gets sent.


    I have attached the scripts as below. Or is java not the best way to do this?.

    This is the form structure and the java script:


    <select name="job_cat" size="1" id="Combobox1" onchange="fillSecondCombo();return false;" style="position:absolute;left:156px;top:451px;width:167px;height:22px;z-index:15;" title="Job Category:">


    <option selected value="0">Please select an option</option>


    <option value="1">Agriculture</option>


    <option value="2">Catering and Hotel Work</option>



    <select name="job_skills" size="1" id="Combobox2" style="position:absolute;left:127px;top:486px;width:202px;height:20px;z-index:16;" title="Job Skills:">





    <script type="text/javascript">


    function fillSecondCombo()




    var combo1 = document.getElementById('Combobox1');


    var combo2 = document.getElementById('Combobox2');


    var selected = combo1.options[combo1.options.selectedIndex].value;


    if (selected == 1)




    combo2.options.length = 3;


    combo2.options[0] = new Option("Agricultural Engineer", "Agricultural Engineer");


    combo2.options[1] = new Option("Animal Care", "Animal Care");


    combo2.options[2] = new Option("Dairy Worker", "Dairy Worker");


    combo2.options[3] = new Option("Farm Worker", "Farm Worker");


    combo2.options[4] = new Option("Harvesting Equipment Driver", "Harvesting Equipment Driver");


    combo2.options[5] = new Option("Tractor Driver", "Tractor Driver");


    combo2.options[6] = new Option("Zoo and Safari Park Worker", "Zoo and Safari Park Worker");


    combo2.options[7] = new Option("Other (As Per CV)", "Other (As Per CV)");






    if (selected == 2)




    combo2.options.length = 3;


    combo2.options[0] = new Option("Baker", "Baker");


    combo2.options[1] = new Option("Bar Worker", "Bar Worker");


    combo2.options[2] = new Option("Barista", "Barista");


    combo2.options[3] = new Option("Butcher", "Butcher");


    combo2.options[4] = new Option("Chef / Cook", "Chef / Cook");


    combo2.options[5] = new Option("Catering Manager", "Catering Manager");


    combo2.options[6] = new Option("Housekeeping", "Housekeeping");


    combo2.options[7] = new Option("Hotel Management", "Hotel Management");


    combo2.options[8] = new Option("Hotel Front of House", "Hotel Front of House");


    combo2.options[9] = new Option("Hotel Portering", "Hotel Portering");


    combo2.options[10] = new Option("Licensed Premises Manager", "Licensed Premises Manager");


    combo2.options[11] = new Option("Restaurant Manager", "Restaurant Manager");


    combo2.options[12] = new Option("Waiting at Tables", "Waiting at Tables");


    combo2.options[13] = new Option("Other (As Per CV)", "Other (As Per CV)");










    This is the email script:





    $mailto = 'paul@myemail.co.uk';

    $mailfrom = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : $mailto;

    $subject = 'Website form';

    $message = 'Values submitted from web site form:';

    $success_url = './../Mail_Folder/success.php';

    $error_url = './../Mail_Folder/fail.html';

    $header = 'From: '.$mailfrom.$eol;

    $header .= 'Reply-To: '.$mailfrom.$eol;

    $header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.$eol;

    $header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="'.$boundary.'"'.$eol;

    $header .= 'X-Mailer: PHP v'.phpversion().$eol;


    $message .= ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . " : " . $value . $eol;




    $message .= ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . " : " . implode(",", $value) . $eol;




    $body = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.'.$eol.$eol;

    $body .= '--'.$boundary.$eol;

    $body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1'.$eol;

    $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'.$eol;

    $body .= $eol.stripslashes($message).$eol;

    if (!empty($_FILES))


    foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value)

    if ($_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0 && $_FILES[$key]['size'] <= $max_filesize)


    $body .= '--'.$boundary.$eol;

    $body .= 'Content-Type: '.$_FILES[$key]['type'].'; name='.$_FILES[$key]['name'].$eol;

    $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'.$eol;

    $body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$_FILES[$key]['name'].$eol;

    $body .= $eol.chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']))).$eol;




    $body .= '--'.$boundary.'--'.$eol;

    mail($mailto, $subject, $body, $header);

    header('Location: '.$success_url);




  12. Thanks hartleySan


    Thats partley what I needed however I need the second dropdown lost to be multi select.


    ie as per your example:


    Breakfast is in the dropdown list so if a user selects "Breakfast" the second box would contain the options







    So the user would select "Breakfast" from the first drop down box.


    and then be able to select from the second box



    x Bacon



    x Mushrooms










    I know this could be done by the user holding down the ctrl key but I wanted to have selection boxes at the side ie

  13. I have created a couple of combo boxes using javascript. Is it possible to code the script so in the second combo box the user can click on a checkbox and select more than one option.


    If the visitor selects a value in the 1st combo box ie


    "Transport and Logistics"


    The values in the second combo box are


    HGV Driver

    FLT Driver

    Traffic Clerk

    Transport Manager




    I thought it may have been as below but that doesnt work, or am I using the wrong script.




    script type="text/javascript">






    var combo1 = document.getElementById('Combobox1');


    var combo2 = document.getElementById('Combobox2');


    var selected = combo1.options[combo1.options.selectedIndex].value;


    if (selected == 1)


    combo2.options.length = 3;

    combo2.options[0] =

    new Option("Item 1", "HGV Driver");

    combo2.options[1] =

    new Option("Item 2", "FLT Driver");

    combo2.options[2] =

    new Option("Item 3", "Traffic Clerk");

    combo2.options[3] =

    new Option("Item 4", "Transport Manager");

    combo2.options[4] =

    new Option("Item 5", "ADR");

    combo2.options[5] =

    new Option("Item 6", "MOFFAT");





    combo2.options.length = 0;














    select name="Combobox1"="1" id="Combobox1" onchange="fillSecondCombo();return false;" style="position:absolute;left:110px;top:118px;width:167px;height:22px;z-index:0;">



    option selected value="0">Please select an option</option>



    option value="1">Transport and Logistics</option>






    select name="Combobox2" input type=checkbox;combo2.options.length = 3; size size="1" id="Combobox2" style="position:absolute;left:287px;top:118px;width:128px;height:22px;z-index:1;">










  14. I have created a header with the usual items. ie logo and menue bar. If I run the header through the server all works fine, however if I include it on the home page everything appears except the menue bar. Obviously I have done something wrong.


    The first code is from the header.html and the second from the index.php. Any help would be apreciated.




    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

    <title><?php echo $page_title; ?></title>

    <meta name="generator" content="The Recruitment Services - http://www.trsb.co.uk">

    <style type="text/css">



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    <li><span></span><span><a href="index.php">Home</span></li>









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    <span style="color:#000000;font-family:Arial;font-size:15px;">We supply staff on a Temporary, Permanent and Temp to Perm basis to some well known Blue Chip companies and Local Authorities all over the UK. <br><br>Whether you’re an Employer looking for staff or a Jobseeker looking for work we can help. Employers can also post permanent vacancies and search CVs on this site. Jobseekers just register and search for currently active jobs or complete our agency registration form and we will contact you with further information. <br><br>You can access most of this site by using the navigation bar above. <br><br>For privacy reasons some areas are protected and can only be accessed by registered users. <br><br>You can create a free account at any time. Or if you have already registered please log in.</span></div>

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    <span style="color:#004080;font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Copyright © 2007 by "Stubbs Management Services Limited" All Rights reserved</span></div>

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