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Posts posted by ameliehub

  1. Hello,


    I'm having trouble with the checkout link in cart.html


    I get this message :

    Secure Connection Failed

    An error occurred during a connection to localhost.

    SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.

    (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)


    That's the url I get: https://localhost/checkout.php?session=9097d1b8d19cb1d76b5f64a6b8b2440a


    Has to do with the https

    <a href="https://<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>checkout.php?session=<?php echo $uid; ?>" class="button">Checkout</a>

    When I just put a 'normal' link, the checkout link brings me to the checkout page



    define ('BASE_URI', '/wampserveur/www/coffee/');

    define ('BASE_URL', 'localhost/' );


    Thanks for your help

  2. OK Larry, I've managed to make ALL my links work. I sooooooo glad!!! But I just don't understand


    <li><a href="/coffee/coffee/shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>


    <a href="/coffee/coffee/browse/' . $type . '/' . urlencode($row['category']) . '/' . $row['id'] . '" class="h4">View All ' . $row['category'] . ' Products</a></p>

    I've doubles type coffee. Why?


    I have unfortunatly an other pb that has been already discussed on the forum but could not find the solution through it.

    For cart.php and whishlist.php, I get this message:

    "An error occurred in script 'C:\wampserveur\www\coffee\cart.php' on line 81:

    mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given


    ligne 81 in shop.php

    if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) { // Products to show!

    Same message for whislist

    What can I do about that?

    Thank again for your time

  3. I've made some progress...

    the links of the menu in index.php and shop.php are working but not those inside each categories

    Should it be a pb with the link in list_categories.html

    <a href="/coffee/browse/' . $type . '/' . urlencode($row['category']) . '/' . $row['id'] . '" class="h4">View All ' . $row['category'] . ' Products</a></p>

    Also in header.html, links won't work with

    <!-- MENU -->

    <li><a href="/coffee/shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>

    <li><a href="/coffee/shop/goodies/">Goodies</a></li>

    But works:

    <li><a href="coffee/shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>


    What about htaccess

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine on

    # For sales:

    RewriteRule ^coffee/shop/sales/?$ sales.php

    # For the primary categories:

    RewriteRule ^coffee/shop/([A-Za-z\+]+)/?$ shop.php?type=$1

    # For specific products:

    RewriteRule ^coffee/browse/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/([0-9]+)$ browse.php?type=$1&category=$2&id=$3

    # For HTTPS pages:

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

    RewriteRule ^coffee/(checkout\.php|billing\.php|final\.php|admin/(.*))$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]


    Is this correct?


    Thanks a lot

  4. OK I've put coffee in front of all my links.


    <!-- MENU -->

    <li><a href="coffee/shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>

    <li><a href="coffee/shop/goodies/">Goodies</a></li>


    <a href="coffee/browse/' . $type . '/' . urlencode($row['category']) . '/' . $row['id'] . '" class="h4">View All ' . $row['category'] . ' Products</a></p>


    For Htaccess, I've put as well coffee

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine on

    # For sales:

    RewriteRule ^coffee/shop/sales/?$ sales.php

    # For the primary categories:

    RewriteRule ^coffee/shop/([A-Za-z\+]+)/?$ shop.php?type=$1

    # For specific products:

    RewriteRule ^coffee/browse/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/([0-9]+)$ browse.php?type=$1&category=$2&id=$3

    # For HTTPS pages:

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

    RewriteRule ^coffee/(checkout\.php|billing\.php|final\.php|admin/(.*))$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]



    I've tried the links


    The requested URL /coffee/shop/coffee/ was not found on this server.


    The requested URL /coffee/coffee/browse/coffee/Dark+Roast/2 was not found on this server.


    (I've tried also the links with the htaccess at it was but I get the same messages on the URL not found)


    I'm sorry to take so much of your time. But I've been working so much to solve the problem, I would really like to find the solution

    Thank you very much for your help

  5. I will try to be more precise.

    I am not familiar with htaccess. But I've understood what it does with the explaination in the book.

    The links of the navigation in index.php and the ones in shop.php are not working meaning I get this message

    For index.php

    The requested URL /shop/coffee/ was not found on this server.

    Here are my links in header.html

    <!-- MENU -->

    <li><a href="/shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>...


    For shop.php

    The requested URL /coffee/browse/coffee/Dark+Roast/2 was not found on this server.

    Links in : list_categories.html

    <a href="browse/' . $type . '/' . urlencode($row['category']) . '/' . $row['id'] . '" class="h4">View All ' . $row['category'] . ' Products</a></p></li>';


    I've changed the path with the directories in the pages and htaccess but I always get those messages.


    I'm sure it's a question of path, but I can't find the right one.


    Thank you very much for your help.

  6. thank you for your reply. Yes my site is in the coffee directory


    I've added /coffee for the link

    Exemple on the home.html

    <a href="/coffee/shop/sales/">Sale Items</a> and

    <a href="/coffee/shop/sales/#'



    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine on

    # For sales:

    RewriteRule ^/coffee/shop/sales/?$ sales.php

    # For the primary categories:

    RewriteRule ^/coffee/shop/([A-Za-z\+]+)/?$ shop.php?type=$1

    # For specific products:

    RewriteRule ^/coffee/browse/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/([0-9]+)$ browse.php?type=$1&category=$2&id=$3



    But still not working.

    Thank you very much for you help.

  7. More precision on my last post:


    define ('BASE_URI', '/wampserveur/www/coffee/');

    I'm working on localhost for the moment


    The htaccess is in the root directory (coffee).

    I've modifyed the htacess for test according to the topic of 6th sept 2011, http://localhost/coffee/test/ but it I get the same message:

    "The requested URL /coffee/test/ was not found on this server"


    I think there must be a problem in the organisation of my directories.

  8. Hello,

    My links are not working proparly

    I've read all the other similar posts on the forum but could note find the solution.


    In the header page I've changed the links for css and images

    link href="css/style.css" retriving the / before css/style

    It's working now well


    But for the navigation

    <li><a href="/shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>

    The links won't work even when I do:

    <li><a href="shop/coffee/">Coffee</a></li>


    I figure it has something to do with htaccess?


    Sorry if my post in not that clear hard to explain in english...

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