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Posts posted by noirfan

  1. Has anyone here used a debugger for PHP (such as Zend or XDebug)?


    I started using it a bit, and I'm only able to debug the page I select for debugging. Is it possible to debug a website while I'm actually using it? For example, I login to the site, and then visit a page where I perform an action that queries MySQL, and then visit another page to do something else, etc. Is it possible for me to debug all those pages as I browse through them?

  2. Like you guys, I have a stricter definition of "web application."


    But I see various uses of the term, and even Zend describes their framework like this "Zend Framework is an open source, object oriented web application framework for PHP 5." I could use the framework to develop a "dynamic, database-driven website" in the strict sense, but here Zend seems to be using "web application" to describe that as well.

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  3. The books errata mentions nothing about it.


    The PHP site mentions nothing about it, and I see the user notes' code on there using both newlines and without newlines.


    I know mail requires newlines for multiple headers, but that has nothing to do with this type of header call. I was just merely pointing out a possible confusion Mr. Ullman may have made.


    I still don't have an answer. Mr. Ullman are you there?



  4. On page 323 of the book, it says "if a script uses multiple header() calls, each should be terminated by a newline."


    However, I've seen elsewhere in the book and in the PHP Advanced, code using multiple headers without being terminated by a newline. I've also tried searching on the Internet for this rule, but couldn't find anything.


    Is this a mistake? Probably referring to email headers?

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