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Posts posted by KeepLearning

  1. I've solved the problem myself (blush).


    I realized that I had not uncommented "'db'=>array" etc in main.php


    But now I see the following 8 files, not just the 5 shown in the book: 



    Is it okay to generate code for all of these files?
  2. How can I get all the tables to appear when generating models in Chapter 4? (p 71, version 0.5)


    When I click the Preview button, the Model Generator shows just one table. In contrast, the book shows 5 tables. How can I get all 5 tables to appear in the Model Generator list?


    More info: When I open the database in the MyPhpAdmin Designer view, I can see all 5 tables -- and their relationships -- so I know they exist. (I can also see 3 other tables, all starting with "auth".)



    My yiicdemo files are here: D:\xampp\htdocs\yiicdemo
    My framework folder is here: D:\xampp\framework
    The Code Template dropdown shows this:
    default (D:\xampp\framework\gii\generators\model\templates\default)
    The Code File list shows only one table:








  3. I figured out part of the process:


    To import the data, open the Workbench home page, click Server Administration, then Data Import/ Restore, then locate the cms.sql file, etc.


    But I'm still puzzled by Larry's "cms-code" folder. Should I copy and paste the contents to overwrite any existing files in the "Site Shell" that was started on page 34 with yiic?


    Also, where can I find the SQL commands? And what should I do with them?



  4. Can anyone help me get the sample data and SQL commands into Workbench?


    The book says "You can download the complete SQL commands, along with some sample data, from the account page on the book’s Web site." (Page 64)


    Are these files for use in MySQL Workbench? If so, how can I get the commands and sample data into Workbench?


    I have already opened the yii_cms.mwb fil in Workbench, and I can see the visual of the table relationships. But I don't know how to import the data and SQL commands.


    This is not obvious to me, since Workbench is new for me.


    I have already downloaded and unzipped these files:



    SQL commands 
    MySQL WorkBench file for the CMS site 
    Edited Code for the CMS Example 
    I am using version 0.5 of Larry Ullman's Yii book.
    I'm on Win XP, with XAMPP and Workbench running. 


    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance!


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