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Everything posted by kwandoa

  1. ok...here goes. (header.html && footer.html) =>/C:/EasyPHP/www/basicMySql/includes index.php => /www/basicMySql/ <?php # Script - index.php $page_title = 'Welcome to this Site!'; include ('includes/header.html');?> <?php include ('includes/footer.html'); ?> The includes/footer works fine.
  2. I would like to know what changes to the code i need to make in order to uipload pdf files? I would think that the changes are to be made somewhere around here: $allowed = array ('image/pjpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/JPG', 'image/X-PNG', 'image/PNG', 'image/png','image/x-png'); if (in_array($_FILES['upload'] ['type'], $allowed)) {
  3. No error, the file saves but I cannot see it when I open it in my server. Only if i save it as h1.html , do i see it on my server. I see my footer.html though. It is not a major problem, I just wanted to know if this is a common problem.
  4. Hi For some strange reason, I cannot seem to save a header.html file on my local server. I can save the footer.html and all the other files but not header.html. I have tried using various programs...even Front Page...still nothing. What I have done though, is to save my header file as h1.html and that seems to work.
  5. I don't mean to sound stupid but I don't quite understand, could you demonstrate please.
  6. Hi larry I did check my spam box and that's where the mail from my local server ends up but still nothing from my live server...I think I should just carry on with the book and when I can afford to, load my application onto a decent ISP. Great Book by the way, I can't wait to get my hands on an your advanced PHP book to get into OOP.
  7. My local server works fine, I can register and an email is sent to my inbox for activation Great! On the live server, I can register, database is updated but no activation is sent to my inbox. The code is identical. Would this be the ISP settings...should I move my account to another free service provider ?
  8. Thank you San but i am not getting it right so I just moved it to another folder within my site and it works ok now (it's only to showcase anyway)...except for 1 thing BUT I will start another thread for that.
  9. I have developed the header.html and when I run it, it works just fine. I included it into my index.php and it too loads fine. The problem is that the images will not load if I load it through the index.php but they load when I run the header.html on it's own. I do not understand this. Please be so kind as to advise.
  10. so...if they gave you a path of say DB Host: fds2.biz.nf would I define something like this define ('MYSQL', 'http:\www\fds2.biz.nf\kwandoa.co.nf\\mysqli_connect.php');
  11. Hi My registration site works fine on my local server BUT as soon as I go onto a live server http://www.biz.nf/ things start getting interesting. I cannot quite figure out how to get the url right that defines my MYSQL constant. my local sever settings looks like this define ('MYSQL', 'C:\EasyPHP\www\\mysqli_connect.php'); on the live server at http://www/kwandoa.co.nf , I define it like this define ('MYSQL', 'http:\www\kwandoa.co.nf\\mysqli_connect.php'); and it does not recognize it. Could anybody point me in the right direction please Regards
  12. the application works but the email lands up in my spam, is there a reason for this? can I manually set it to land in my inbox?
  13. Would you please explain how I would get to the sqli_connect file on my pc define ('MYSQL', '/path/to/mysqli_ connect.php'); the file is saved in Computer->Localdisk(C:)->EasyPHP->www to make it work I have copied the file into my includes and it works fine but I know that it is a security risk. thank YOU!
  14. I am in the command prmpt and cannot seem to create a new app. I use windows 7. I have htdocs and framework folders in root . Command prompt is as follows C:\EasyPHP-12.1\www\yii\framework>yiic.php web ../htdocs which brings up the 'yiic.php' file in my IDE editor. please advise.
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