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Posts posted by kakooljay

  1. How does the code below (p. 268) work? Is it definitely correct? Can someone walk me through this? 
    In actionSetup (A): Why is updateUser a child of updateOwnUser? Doesn't that mean anyone who can update his/her OWN user info can also update anyone else's? 
    In the controller (B): Why is checkAccess (array('id' => $id)) used on updateUser instead of updateOwnUser? Does updateUser even use the ID parameter?
    Please help - thanks...
    Quite confused!
    Code A:
    # protected/controllers/SiteController.php::actionSetup()
    $auth = Yii::app()->authManager;
    // Create operations.
    $task = $auth->createTask('updateOwnUser',
    'Allows a user to update her record',
    'return $params["id"] == Yii::app()->user->id;');
    Code B:
    # protected/controllers/UserController.php
    public actionUpdate($id) {
    if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateUser',
    array('id' => $id))) {
    throw new CHttpException(403,
    'You are not allowed to do this.');
    // Code for doing this.


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