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Posts posted by Bennie8

  1. Yes. I have many thoughts, HartleySan. They all revolve around how I'm going to put together a web page that shows the textarea and has information on it about the jQuery "plugin."


    I’m not very good at making a web page look good, so this is always the hardest part of a project.


    All that stuff you just mentioned sounds like gobbledygook to me that it may take years to learn.


    I haven’t even begun to do things like separate my Javascript from my html like you did in your “window.onload” example.


    In a day or two I’ll be putting a link on the textarea page that will show all of the code involved. Maybe when you see it you’ll think of something easy that I can add to the page to improve it.


    До свидания,



  2. Hey, HartleySan.


    There will be a link on the final Demonstration page to a page showing what each typo regex is looking for in the textarea text.


    And, yes, I am familiar with the regexes being used, as I wrote them all. And, I have the empty Aspirin bottle to prove it!


    I learned all about regex expressions in PHP for the World Wide Web and PHP 6 and MySQL 5.


    But, I'm just a beginner at writing regex expressions. Once I get the whole project online, I am going to encourage others to add regex expressions of their own to the plugin. I'm going to include "shell" code that they can place the different parts of the typo code into, and I'll try to explain where the code goes and what sort of things, like single quote marks ('), have to be escaped.


    As a matter of fact, you just gave me an idea. I should probably make some sort of video showing the procedure of adding the code to the various pages involved.


    Of, course, the regex() plugin that I found online, http://examplet.buss.hk/jquery/selector.regex.php , has to be hooked up for the expressions to work. I'm adding more expressions to the script right now!


    It's a long and boring process, as you can well imagine.






    P.S. After I get all of my expressions into my script, you or anyone else can make suggestions here and I'll take care of adding the expressions myself, and give credit to the person in a "comment."

  3. Dear Hartleysan et alia,


    I've discovered a major flaw in my script, and I'll be working on it.






    P.S. The major flaw has been found and fixed! It turns out that an "onload" function added to the script to "zero out" the PhP incrementing-variable was "resetting" the variable each time the "Adjust" button was clicked.


    Now, a convenient "initializing" radio button can be clicked to "zero out" this PhP variable.




    Now with more regex expressions!

    • Upvote 1
  4. Dear Hartleysan,


    Ok. Now I think I know where the "failure to communicate" emanated from. I think I may have given you the impression that I wanted a viewer to be able to "save" the editing that they had done to "example text" in the textarea box to a database or file, at which point they could then move on to the next text example. Is that close?


    The purpose of the "editing" of the textarea box text is only to make the "highlighting" disappear, so that the viewer can then move on to the next text example. "Saving" the edited text to a database or file would be a whole different ball of wax, that's for sure.


    Anyway, I came back from a walk a little while ago and had an epiphany.


    After reading Paul’s suggestions about the PhP ‘nl2br()’ and ‘str_replace()’ functions earlier, I went to my ‘forum-question-solution.js’ file (now ‘forum-question-solution3.js’) and found that I was successfully able to alter the “ajax requested” text heading for the main page’s textarea box by adding JavaScript methods like these to the “xmlhttp.responseText” thinger:


    document.getElementById("poll-2").innerHTML= xmlhttp.responseText.toUpperCase();

    /* above works */


    document.getElementById("poll-2").innerHTML= xmlhttp.responseText.replace('\n','<br>');

    /* this works, but does not affect formatting */


    but, I was still unable to change the placement of the “<p>,” “<span>” or “<br />” tags when they arrived at the textarea box.


    But, after taking a walk, and before you know it, I had a solution!


    And, here is a web page with the new script:


    [i have taken down the web page that was linked-to here. It doesn't work right.]


    Thank you for sharing your comments,



    • Upvote 1
  5. Dear Larry,


    Thank you for clearing the air!




    Dear Paul,


    Welcome aboard!


    JavaScript, when used as part of an "Ajax request" works just fine in getting information to and from PhP, where a number can be stored in a text file as part of an ad hoc array incrementer. But, when JavaScript is used for the incrementing on the main page, there is a downside: namely, the JavaScript counter "zeros out" whenever a "Submit" button on the page's "form" is clicked, thus preventing the incrementing from working in conjunction with the adjusting of text, through the use of the form's "Adjust" button (a "Submit" button), to display items seamlessly from the JavaScript array.


    This page shows what I mean: http://whowillbethenextonline.com/forum/javascript-array.php


    If you click the "Loop it!" link that you'll see on the page twice, displaying the word "two," and then click the form's "Adjust" button, and then click the "Loop it" button again, you will see that the array has returned to the first JavaScript array element's value: "one."


    So, using that method won't work for the Demonstration page that I had in mind for my jQuery plugin.


    Naturally, I was surprised when the "Ajax" method worked in looping through a PhP array! But, I then noticed that the formatting gets lost when a PhP array’s "ajax request" text is what is being displayed in the textarea. I tried the 'nl2br()' and 'str_replace()' functions that you mentioned, but I couldn't get them to affect the text in the textarea. Those functions will work on text displayed on the main page, that sits inside of a "<div>" tag, for instance, but then the text inside that "<div>" tag can't be worked-with as the "textarea" text can, as far as my Demonstration page is concerned.


    On the other hand, if a call is made directly to a PhP array that's on the main page, from a form that's on the main page, the text displayed in the textarea looks exactly as it should, as in this example:




    But, the "incrementing" code that I've been using doesn't seem to work on this page to cycle throught the PhP array. It must have something to do with the PhP being on the server, as you said, or, maybe there's a way to write the incrementing code that will work that I haven't tried yet.


    So, either I can find a way to increment a PhP array that is called from a form on the main page, displaying easy-to-read code...or I'll have to scrap my Demostration page idea!


    That last page I linked to can still be used to "copy-and-paste" code into, to check for various grammatical and punctuation problems in web page coding, when I connect my finished jQuery plugin to it.


    Well, back to the drawing board.


    Thank you all,



  6. Dear Hartleysan,


    The code is already written. It's all there in the detail that you've asked for over and over.


    There is no database; there is just the text in the PhP array in the script.


    I originally wrote here to find out if anyone knew how to cycle through a PhP array one value at a time by clicking on a button.


    But, no one seems to know how to do that. And, I can't find out that information anywhere on the web, either.


    Luckily, I figured out a way to cycle through a PhP array, using an "ajax request"--but, at the cost of losing the "formatting" in the textarea that I had had before.


    It seems that what writes correctly to a "<div>" or "<p>" on the main page through an "ajax request" will display differently when written into a form’s "textarea."


    I thought that someone might know what could be added to a string, such as adding a "newline" character ('\n'), to bring back this formatting to the text in the textarea; but it seems that no one knows how to do that, either. Nor, can I find that information anywhere on the web. Apparently, this combination of code that works perfectly for my Demonstration page is not commonly used.


    When I find out more about how to cycle through a PhP array one click at a time, or how to format text in a “textarea,” I'll let it be known on this thread, so that others can learn about it, too. If the answers are in one of the chapter in any of the three Larry Ullman PhP books that I have sitting here, please tell me the chapter. I haven’t found them.


    As far as my placing the entire script in my message: it's for the benefit of someone who is interested in learning the same type of coding procedures that I am. That's why someone would click on a link with the Subject line titled "Looping Through An Array One Element At A Time." My explanations aren't directed towards crusty veterans such as yourself, who already know this stuff like the back of your hand. I'm relaying information about what I've found out through trial-and-error on this topic. You've been telling me about “JavaScript loops,” that I explained near the beginning of this thread don't work in this instance.


    Most answers to people's questions on just about any website you can think of are so cryptically written that it's very hard to understand the answers. And, the coding solutions are usually presented in little snippets that a beginner at coding would not be completely sure how to adapt to their scripts.


    That might explain why there are thousands of questions relating to the same topics year after year all over the Internet: because it's hard to find clear, complete answers written at the level of the beginners who asked them.


    That might also explain why there are so many computer books written on the same subject. Either there are a slew of errors of one kind or another in a book that are so confusing to a beginner that they give up and never complete the book; or, a book touted for "absolute beginners" takes off like a rocket by the second chapter, and the beginner is left behind on the launching pad.


    Just read the comments on places like Amazon.com about computer books and you will see what I mean.


    When I was looking for a book on PhP, I started reading one glowing comment after another about this "Larry Ullman" guy who really cares about getting it right in his books, and who makes it a point to go into the kind of detail in his books that other authors choose not to. “He even answers people's E-mails,” the comments boast, and he prominently lists any errors in his books on his website, that his readers send to him.


    That's why I came to this Forum looking for an answer to a PhP question. Where better to go?


    And one thing I'll say about the "text editor" on this Forum: it's like going on a ride at Disneyland! It's got all the bells and whistles that you could ever ask for.



  7. Dear Matthaus and Hartleysan,


    I'll be busy for a while studying your script ideas and checking out your suggested links!


    Thank you for taking time from your busy schedules to help me figure out my array dilemma.


    I gutted an old php-ajax script that I worked on years ago, that I got from here,




    and came up with an incrementing system that works! Unfortunately, the "newline" formatting was lost in the process, I think it's called, in the textarea. Now, the "<p>" and "<span><br />" tags are in one long string, as opposed to before, when they were one under the other--making them difficult for the viewer to discern.


    Here is a link to the new page:


    http://whowillbethenextonline.com/forum/forum-array-question2.php .


    I tried the PhP 'nl2br()' function after adding 'newline' characters '\n' to my array strings, but that didn't help.




    P.S. Here are the main page (forum-question-solution.php), the JavaScript file (forum-question-solution.js), and the PhP file (forum-question-solution-increment.php) if you are interested. [You might see some extra coding here and there that I plan on using later.]




    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

    <meta name="generator" content="NoteTab Light" />

    <title>PhP 6 and MySQL 5 Forum Array Question</title>


    <!-- based upon Script # 12.3 in PHP 6 and MySQL 5 -->


    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>


    <!-- see http://examplet.buss.hk/jquery/selector.regex.php for explanation of the 'jQuery' regex() plugin - This regex() plugin is needed for the 'php-array-demo.js' file to work -->


    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.regex.js"></script>


    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/php-array-demo.js"></script>


    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/forum-question-solution.js"></script>


    <style type="text/css">


    body {

    color: #29405B;

    background-color: #FAFBFC;



    h5 {

    margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px;



    #upper-text-container {

    width: 525px;

    height: 200px;

    padding-right: 5px;

    padding-left: 5px;

    border: 1px solid #000;



    #textarea-container {

    width: 535px;

    height: 200px;

    border: 1px solid #000;



    textarea {

    overflow: hidden;









    <h5>It's TypoFinder! For Web Page Coders!</h5>


    <div id="upper-text-container"><!-- start of 'id="upper-text-container"' div -->



    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // start of 'if' conditional


    echo stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['data'], "<p> <span> <br>"));


    } // end of 'if' conditional




    </div><!-- end of 'id="upper-text-container"' div -->


    <div id="textarea-container"><!-- start of 'id="textarea-container"' div -->


    <form action="#" method="post">




    <legend>Adjust text area</legend>


    <textarea id="poll-2" name="data" rows="8" cols="65"><?php if (isset($_POST['data'])) echo stripslashes($_POST['data']); ?></textarea>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Adjust" />


    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />






    <div><br /><br /></div>


    <form action="#" method="post">




    <legend>Advance to Next Example</legend>


    <label for="vote-yes">Click radio button for next example</label>


    <input type="radio" name="vote" id="vote-yes" value="0" onclick="getVote(this.value); this.form.reset();" />






    </div><!-- end of 'id="textarea-container"' div -->








    /* External 'forum-question-solution.js' file for 'forum-question-solution.php,' 'forum-question-solution-increment.php,' and 'forum-question-solution-value.txt.' */


    var xmlhttp;


    function getVote(int) { // start 'getVote(int)' function




    if (xmlhttp==null) {


    alert ("Your browser does not support HTTP Requests");






    if (int==0) {


    var url="includes/forum-question-solution-increment.php";










    if (int==0) {








    } // end 'getVote(int)' function


    function stateChanged() { // start 'stateChanged()' function


    if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) {






    } // end 'stateChanged()' function


    function GetXmlHttpObject() { // start 'GetXmlHttpObject()' function


    var objXMLHttp=null;


    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {


    objXMLHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();


    } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {


    objXMLHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");




    return objXMLHttp;


    } // end 'GetXmlHttpObject()' function






    /* External 'forum-question-solution-increment.php' file for 'forum-question-solution.php.' Connected to 'forum-question-solution-value.txt' */


    $vote = $_REQUEST['vote'];


    // get content of textfile


    $filename = "forum-question-solution-value.txt";


    $content = file($filename);


    // put content in array


    $array = explode("||",$content[0]);

    $yes = $array[0];

    $no = $array[1];


    if ($vote == 0) {


    $yes = $yes + 1;




    if ($vote == 1) {


    $no = $no + 1;




    // added $number variable for counter below


    $number = $yes + $no;


    if ($yes==4){

    $yes = 1;



    // insert votes to txt file


    $insertvote = $yes . "||" . $no;


    $fp = fopen($filename, "w");


    /* I added the following 'flock()' function after reading page 311 of Larry Ullman's 'PHP Third Edition,' and then a 'w3schools' page (http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_filesystem_flock.asp) that shows how to use an 'if' conditional to insert the 'flock()' function into a script. */


    if(flock($fp,LOCK_EX)) {




    // release lock




    // echo "flock() works";


    } else {




    // echo "flock() doesn't work";






    $typos[1] = '<p>Example One.</p>

    <p>This is a sentence.This is another sentence.</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>

    <span>This is a sentence.This is another sentence.</span>

    <span>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</span>';


    $typos[2] = '<p>Example Two</p>

    <p><script type="text/javascript">

    alert(\'<p>Can you find : the punctuation error?</p>\');



    $typos[3] = '<p>Example Three</p>

    <p>Finally!This is a third sentence.</p>

    <p>Finally! This is a third sentence.</p>';


    if($yes<4) {

    echo $typos[$yes];




  8. Dear Hartleysan,


    Thank you for that script.


    It gave me an idea for the following script. Unfortunately, the same problem as before arises: namely, the javascript incrementer zeros out whenever the form's "Adjust" button is clicked!





    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/forum-array-ajax.js"></script>


    <script type="text/javascript">


    var i = 2;


    function upValue() {


    document.getElementById("loop_input").value= i;



    i = i + 1;

    } else {

    i= 1;







    <style type="text/css">


    #upper-text-container {

    width: 525px;

    height: 200px;

    padding-right: 5px;

    padding-left: 5px;

    border: 1px solid #000;








    <div id="upper-text-container"><!-- start of 'id="upper-text-container"' div -->




    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // start of 'if' conditional


    echo stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['data'], "<p> <span> <br>"));


    } // end of 'if' conditional




    </div><!-- end of 'id="upper-text-container"' div -->


    <form action="#" method="post">


    <textarea id="ajax-request-here" name="data" rows="8" cols="65"><?php if (isset($_POST['data'])) echo stripslashes($_POST['data']); ?></textarea>


    <label for="txt1">For Next Sentence: </label>


    <input type="button" id="loop_input" name="0" value="1" onclick="showHint(this.value); upValue();" />


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Adjust" />


    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />







    Here is a link to the idea that I'm working on:




    that uses a couple of sections from the jQuery "plugin" that I'm still revising.


    When you fix a spelling or punctuation error in the "textarea examples" you'll see, and then click the "Adjust" button, the "highlighting" of the incorrect sentence(s) disappears...at which point you can click the "Next" button and start on a new "textarea example." The nature of the game is to see how fast a player can correct 15 or 20 textarea examples.


    Unfortunately, this fun now ends at Example Two!



  9. Dear HartleySan,


    Sorry about the misplaced "<body>" tag. I was stripping out all of the code that wasn't important to the example and the "<body>" tag ended up above the "head" section instead of below it.


    I tried that incrementing jazz you suggested at different points in the 'forum-array-ajax.js' file, but the script didn't respond. I guess I'll have to keep searching for the answer.


    What I've been looking for on the Internet is a way to set a 'condition' inside of one of those loop-types you first mentioned that would stop the loop after each element, and then pick up from there the next time the loop gets activated.






    P.S. I added the "1" to the "showHint(1)" function just to get the script to work, as it was originally this script: [http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_php.asp]. I was trying to then create a variable indigenous to the 'forum-array-ajax.js' file that would increment independent of the form on the index page.


    What I usually do in situations like this is throw all kinds of code at the wall and see if anything sticks. Sometimes it does!

  10. Dear HartleySan,


    You are right. I would like the viewer to see a new sentence when they click the "Next Sentence" button.


    As the Demonstration page planned will feature a 'game' of sorts where the viewer will advance through 15 or 20 sentence examples, and then click a "Stop" button to see how many seconds it has taken them to complete the series, a single "Next Sentence" button would be the best option.


    For the heck of it, I tried an "ajax request" to see what would happen, adapting a script I practiced on a couple of years ago while doing an online PhP tutorial...and the exact same thing happened: only one array element would display upon clicking the "Next Sentence" button.


    I noticed that on page 498 of Larry's book PhP 5 Advanced it says, "As for variable scope, you can reference ajax in this function because in JavaScript, variables declared outside of any function are automatically available within them. This differs from PhP."


    Maybe that's why the code for looping through a "JavaScript" array won't work with a PhP array.


    I bought that book over 6 months ago, but haven't read it yet, as I've been side-tracked by jQuery, after winning a jQuery book in an online contest halfway through Chapter 1!


    Could you direct me to something specific on the web that would address this problem, as incrementing a PhP array is the only PhP information I that need at this time. The rest of my Demonstration page uses other coding.






    Here is the "ajax request" code that doesn't work properly:








    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/forum-array-ajax.js"></script>




    <form action="#">


    <label for="txt1">For Next Sentence: </label>


    <input type="button" value="Click" onclick="showHint(1);" />


    <p><span id="ajax-request-here">ajax-request will go here</span></p>










    /* filename: forum-array-ajax.js > linked to 'forum-array-index.php' */


    var xmlhttp;


    function showHint(str) { // start 'function showHint(str)'




    if(xmlhttp==null) { // start 'if(xmlhttp==null)'


    alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!");




    } // end 'if(xmlhttp==null)'


    var url="includes/forum-array-ajax.php";







    } // end 'function showHint(str)'


    function stateChanged() { // start 'function stateChanged()


    if(xmlhttp.readyState==4) { // start 'if(xmlhttp.readyState==4)'




    } // end 'if(xmlhttp.readyState==4)'


    } // end 'function stateChanged()'


    function GetXmlHttpObject() { // start 'function GetXmlHttpObject()'


    if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { // start 'if(window.XMLHttpRequest)'


    // code for +IE7, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari


    return new XMLHttpRequest();


    } // end 'if(window.XMLHttpRequest)'


    if(window.ActiveXObject) { // start 'if(window.ActiveXObject)'


    // code for IE6, IE5


    return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");


    } // end 'if(window.ActiveXObject)'


    return null;


    } // end 'function GetXmlHttpObject()'







    /* filename: forum-array-ajax.php > linked to 'forum-array-ajax.js' > linked to 'forum-array-index.php' */


    // declare the variable even though php doesn't require it


    $i = 0;

    $j = 0;




    // fill up array with names


    $typos[]="element 0";

    $typos[]="element 1";

    $typos[]="element 2";


    // get the q parameter from URL




    if($q) { // start of 'if($q)'


    $i = $q;


    $i = $i + $j;




    $j = $j + 1;


    } // end of 'if($q)'


    $response= $hint;


    // output the response


    echo $response;



  11. Dear matthaus and hartleysan,


    I appreciate your help.


    I would like to show you two scripts. The first script uses "JavaScript" to loop through a "test" array. The loop works fine until the "Adjust" button is clicked on the script's Form, at which point the array gets reset to zero, defeating the purpose of a planned Demonstration page.





    <script type="text/javascript">


    var j=0;


    function loop_it(){


    var test = new Array(3)


    test[0] = "one";

    test[1] = "two";

    test[2] = "three";





    if (j<2) {


    j = j + 1;


    } else {


    j = 0;


    } // end of 'if (j<2)' incrementer


    } // end of 'function loop_it(){'







    <div id="upper-text">




    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // start of 'if' conditional


    echo stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['data'], "<p> <span> <br>"));


    } // end of 'if' conditional




    </div><!-- end of 'id="upper-text"' div -->


    <form action="javascript-array.php" method="post">


    <textarea id="test" name="data" rows="8" cols="45"><?php if (isset($_POST['data'])) echo stripslashes($_POST['data']); ?></textarea>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Adjust" value="FALSE" />


    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />




    <p><a href="#" onclick="loop_it();">Loop it!</a></p>





    This second script will increment correctly even after the "Adjust" button has been clicked, thanks to a second "Form" being added to the script. The problem is, the PhP array only advances one time!





    <style type="text/css">


    #upper-text-container {

    width: 400px;

    height: 200px;

    border: 1px solid #000;



    #textarea-container {

    width: 400px;

    height: 200px;

    border: 1px solid #000;








    <div id="upper-text-container"><!-- start of 'id="upper-text-container"' div -->




    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // start of 'if' conditional


    echo stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['data'], "<p> <span> <br>"));


    } // end of 'if' conditional




    </div><!-- end of 'id="upper-text-container"' div -->




    $i = null;


    $typos[0] = '<p>Example One</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>';


    $typos[1] = '<p>Example Two</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>';


    $typos[2] = '<p>Example Three</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>

    <p>This is a sentence. This is another sentence.</p>';


    if (isset($_POST['submitted2'])) { // start of 'if' conditional


    $i = $i + 1;


    } // end of 'if' conditional




    <div id="textarea-container"><!-- start of 'id="textarea-container"' div -->


    <form action="php-array.php" method="post">




    <legend>Adjust text area</legend>


    <textarea name="data" rows="8" cols="45"><?php echo (isset($_POST['data'])) ? stripslashes($_POST['data']) : $typos[0 + $i]; ?></textarea>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Adjust" />


    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />




    <br /><br />




    <form action="php-array.php" method="post">


    <input type="submit" name="submitted2" value="Next" />


    <input type="hidden" name="submitted2" value="TRUE" />




    </div><!-- end of 'id="textarea-container"' div -->





    It looks like the solution is a different way of writing the incrementing code. I'm going to try some kind of "ajax request" to see if that works, too...as soon as I can read up on it.





  12. Dear Matthaus,


    Thank you for your help.


    I have no idea where to put your code in my script. I tried the following and it didn't do anything:







    $test = array();


    $test[] = 'one';

    $test[] = 'two';

    $test[] = 'three';




    if (isset($_POST["submitted"])) {


    <form action="test-array.php" method="post">

    foreach($test AS $testItem) {

    <textarea><?php echo $testItem; ?></textarea>



    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next" />

    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />








    Could you please put one of your first two examples into a complete script, in the same manner that my initial example is formatted? If I put either of your first two examples within PHP tags, there are tags within tags.


    This is all kind of daunting for me, so thank you for your patience.


    What I am using a form "textarea" box for is in conjunction with my first-ever jQuery "plugin" that I have just put together, after reading up on jQuery. I noticed by accident, while looking up "sticky forms" and "strip_tags" in Larry's book, that a "textarea" box would be perfect for what I have in mind for a web page demonstration of my rudimentary jQuery plugin.


    Since writing my first post a couple of hours ago, I have found the same problem with going from one "text example" to the next, by clicking on a button, when I use "jQuery" in place of PhP. I get stuck on the first "switch" statement "case."


    Here is the code:





    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>


    <script type="text/javascript">


    // <![CDATA[


    var typo;


    var j = 0;


    $(document).ready(function() {


    switch (j) {

    case 0 :

    typo= '<p>This is a sentence.</p>';


    case 1 :

    typo= '<p>This is another sentence.</p>';










    }); // end of $(document).ready


    // ]]>









    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // start of 'if' conditional


    echo stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['data'], "<p> <span> <br>"));


    } // end of 'if' conditional




    <form action="test-array4.php" method="post">


    <textarea id="test" name="data" rows="8" cols="45"><?php if (isset($_POST['data'])) echo stripslashes($_POST['data']); ?></textarea>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Adjust" />


    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />




    <button id="button">Next Sentence</button>






    If you open this code up in your browser, and then click the "Next Sentence" button, you will see the first "switch" statement case's text. If you then click on the "Adjust" button, you will see that this same text, that will now appear above the "textarea" box, can be manipulated via changes made to the text down in the "textarea" box, when you click the "Adjust" button again.


    It is at this point, once the appropriate changes have been made to the "textarea" box text--that my jQuery plugin has interacted with--that the viewer will then be able to move on to another "text example" that will display in the "textarea" box...by clicking the "Next Sentence" button.


    This is where I have not been able to move through my PhP array or Javascript "switch" statement. There has to be a way to increment that I am overlooking.


    Thanks again,



  13. Dear Larry,


    This new site of yours looks real nice.


    I've been unable to loop through an "array" one element at a time using the following code, which is based upon "Script 12.3" in Chapter 12 of PHP 6 and MySQL 5:







    $i = null;

    $test = array();


    $test[] = 'one';

    $test[] = 'two';

    $test[] = 'three';


    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])){






    <form action="test-array.php" method="post">

    <textarea><?php echo $test[0 + $i]; ?></textarea>

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next" />

    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />






    I must have tried every combination of code under the sun to get through the "$test" array, but the page stops at the printed word "two" as I click on the "Next" button, and will go no further.


    Thank you for any insights as to a solution,



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