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Everything posted by Jonathon

  1. Hi Larry, No I didn't lose my notes, all that happened was I went to my yii.larryullman.com account and clicked the mobi download and opened it in Kindle. It downloaded the whole book to date, so i have the first version, with my notes and also a second version with the extra chapters in it. So two copies of the same book. I just don't know how to update the first version of the book so I have just one copy? Sorry if this seems a silly question. Jonathon
  2. Hi Larry, I'm new to the Kindle version, how do you update the book. I just went to account and downloaded the latest mobi version to my ipad. It downloaded the whole book again, rather than update the current one. As you know I've never really used Kindle so could you help me with this when you have a moment. Thanks Jonathon
  3. For me, StackOverflow, SitePoint i find useful but i'm not a member. I've used PHPfreaks before and i'm a member at Yii.
  4. Hi Edward, Glad you did that and have learned a lot. I am the opposite way around now, trying to remember things I once knew! I saw your Prometheus example and enjoyed it and thought that you'd obviously worked hard on your OOP. So it's good to see you've have had success. I have the old PHP Advanced book which I read a couple of years ago now, we talked about David Powers book, it was good in some ways, i didn't find the book as engaging as Larry's so perhaps I should buy the new edition of the PHP Advanced book for the writing and style and overall content. I stopped that project about the time I stopped being so regular here, it's quite a big project and as i'm sure you know Yii does take time to learn. I got a decent way on my own, but it came to the point where I was just wandering aimlessly around Yii, not really knowing what something was there for, how exactly it all fitted together and rather than spend probably weeks hashing it together only to discover i'd made a fairly big omission or error early on that was going to cost me, i thought i'd wait for the Yii book. The database schema was going to be my biggest concern, making sure that was right as Yii generates all the models etc for you. Then there is the security of a framework you don't properly understand etc. I suppose in many ways it's having the confidence to do something in a framework and how to fix it when it goes wrong, that's the easy part of writing your own code. But yes I'm enjoying the book, I hope it sells well too!
  5. Hi Larry, In the periods between your book i thought i'd take your CMS idea and maybe build on it. One thing that I thought would be nice and is something that you've probably come across in your own web development is the ability for a user to generate their own menus / drop-down menus like you find in almost every website nowadays. (I must say WordPress's menu management is brilliant, i really like how easy it is) From your own experience in relation to Yii, what is the best way to do this. Is it a DB table still as you'd need to control main navigation and sub menus? An a second unrelated idea: I have virtual hosts set up so all my projects are stored inside htdocs on XAMPP. I have my Yii framework now in the folder above which is the xampp folder. I moved the protected folder to this directory too. If I were to make a new webapp and wanted to move the protected folder of this webapp into the directory above htdocs (xampp folder). Is it just a case of renaming the protected folder "new_project_projected" and updating the index.php file to reference this newly named folder. Or does the folder need to be called protected? I know this sounds silly, but I thought i'd check. Thanks again Jonathon
  6. From memory, many of the .inc scripts don't have a closing tag as they included and php is closed later on in the page that includes the included file.
  7. Thanks Larry I just wanted to check which way round it was. I've never used FK constraints so this was good to know.
  8. Morning Larry et al, Regarding Foreign Key constraints in the command CONSTRAINT fk_page_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES yii_cms.user (id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ON DELETE - does that mean you're deleting the `user_id` of the page table (the table in which the sql command was written) or the `id` of the user table it references, or something else? Thank you Jonathon
  9. Hi Larry, A couple of questions, i'm making notes and highlighting parts of the book in my kindle app on the iPad. As you know i've only just got the kindle app. When you release the next part of the book, are you re-downloading the whole book and therefore wiping out bookmarks, notes, highlights etc. Or does the new material just get added to the first part of the book? (Hope i made that clear) Secondly, if you find possible spelling mistakes (not so much mistakes, but the wrong word usages, like "table" instead of "stable" release do you a) want to know? and If yes, where would you like them sent? Thanks Jonathon EDIT: I've rechecked the books website, so i'll send you feedback for any potential spelling there.
  10. Thanks Larry, My card went through this time
  11. Congratulations Larry! Was good to hear that the storm hasn't hit you too hard. Just a quick notice I think this question "Are you going to make the book available in any other formats?" is broken. Just to let you know. That or I'm wrong, in which I apologise. Congratulations, going to by it now Jonathon
  12. I have looked at this very quickly so I appologise if it's not the full solution. But here <p>First Name: <input type="text" name="first_name" size="20" value="<?php if (isset($POST['first_name'])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST['first_name']); } ?>" /> </p> <p>Last Name: <input type="text" name="last_name" size="20" value="<?php if (isset($POST['last_name'])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST['last_name']); } ?>" /> </p> <p>Email address: <input type="text" name="email" size="20" value="<?php if (isset($POST['email'])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']); } ?>" /> </p> <p>Password: <input type="password" name="password1" size="20" value="<?php if (isset($POST['password1'])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST['password1']); } ?>" /> </p> <p>Confirm Password: <input type="password" name="password2" size="20" value="<?php if (isset($POST['password2'])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST['password2']); } ?>" /> </p> value needs to be $_POST not $POST
  13. Where are you accessing Paypal from (Country wise)? There were issues with the UK sandbox when I did my work, but I and others posted some solutions to the problems. I can't remember exactly what mine and other people's problems were, but there are a few threads on here that may be of use
  14. The simple answer is yes. You could also just use the second example and change it so people have to be registered to buy things.
  15. Thank you, I wondered about this previously, but didn't think it was possible
  16. Good question! I don't know, my hosts offer a shared SSL, which isn't pretty in url structure BUT it is free. Maybe your hosts might be able to offer something. I feel like Curl or Mcrypt might be of some use, but I haven't looked at them since I read them in PHP5 advanced.
  17. Hi Mark, It isn't assigned twice, it's assigned (=) once and within that assignment it's coMpared (==) Its really shorthand for If($bg == '#eeee'){ $bg == '#ffff'; }Else{ $bg == '#eeee'; } (My phone won't let me change captilisation)
  18. http://www.larryullman.com/books/modern-javascript-develop-and-design/#downloads
  19. http://www.larryullman.com/books/effortless-e-commerce-with-php-and-mysql/#downloads
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