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Everything posted by Jonathon

  1. Glad you figured it out, just try to be as clear as possible about the problem and provide your system settings
  2. ...say what version of whatever technologies you are using. PHP | MYSQL | XAMPP/MAMP/Live server ...show some relevant code!
  3. I think Larry wanted you to add for system information relevant to the problem http://www.larryullman.com/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  4. I don't really know to be honest, I would imagine that its the ISP. All I knew was that it works and I was happy with that as I wanted to test some HTML emails and activation codes etc. Sorry I can't be more helpful
  5. The elseif where you check for a $_POST value you then set $id using the $_GET value. This should perhaps use the $_POST if I had to guess. Again I'm on my phone.
  6. I think you can actually put either, the email address I set it to wasn't related to my ISP
  7. Yep, I don't really know the ins and outs of it. You need to find out the address for your smtp server for your ISP. It's not your email address, but you can set the mail header as if it came from your email address. I personally didn't have to do anything else but the first step: SMTP = smtp.isp.co.uk (or whatever yours is) smtp_port = 25 I also changed the setting in my .ini file to set the mail sending address. sendmail_from = your email address goes here.
  8. Hi, I'm only on my phone now, but I think your query is invalid, there looks to be an extra comma after the email clause in the last query.
  9. Normally I'd be inclined to say that something your doing query wise with the database isn't returning any result resource. Are you calling the query and using the @ to suppress error messages? Just post the code anyway, probably be quicker.
  10. It's easier than you think try this link it's essentially just finding out what your ISP smtp address is and altering your php.ini file. http://roshanbh.com.np/2007/12/sending-e-mail-from-localhost-in-php-in-windows-environment.html
  11. How did your code end up, because it will display properly if you just put the brace at the bottom of the code, but the source code will be wrong.
  12. Oh no, I am Chrome user as its quick but a FF developer. I read some article somewhere about it and thought it would be really useful for CSS and JS checking especially in older browsers.
  13. Well I think the form was sticky when I tried it. So I would say that would be a success, you could use $_REQUEST and just one if statement. But your method doesn't appear to be wrong. I am not at my PC so can't check. I am lucky that I bought a PHP book by Larry that is all really, if I had perhaps gone another route I might not have stuck with it. Who knows. Starting out you shouldn't expect to get everything, the real learning begins where you want to modify or expand on the books material I find. Then when you write it and rewrite it yourself it will all come together. I'm glad Larry actually has put these pursue parts in because they compound the chapters well. So in short, persevere, we've all got to start somewhere.
  14. So to clarify you need to re-write this script so that if there is a value in any of the fields you echo it out? Well it looks ok, seems to work ok for me. Do you think it works when you test it?
  15. Looks good to me. What do you think? Do you get the right output for a form when you view source and can you type text in all the fields but the password which is hashed? If so I'd say yes!
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