I have been surfing all day and can not find the topic, how to display multiple images in CDetailView.
My situation are as follows:
I have uploaded multiple images, the image jpg files stored in /images/doc directory. I have entried path to the images in a cell, means the cell contain three filenames with comma separated: abc.jpg, xyz.jpg, abaca.jpg.
I wanna to display the link in CDetailView which clickable to open the image in new tab browser.
I have tried with this script:
array( 'name'=>'File Link', 'type'=>'raw', 'value'=>CHtml::link($model->bukti, Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot').'/images/doc/'.implode(',', array($model->bukti))), ),
but the result is not as I expected, when I click the link unrecognized opened by the browser.
I expect result like this:
File Link : abc.jpg
abaca.jpg <== each must be clickable to the location of the image
I hope you could assist me to solve this problem.
Kind regards,
Maman Hermansyah