Hey there.
On pages 52 (where the script is displayed) and 56 (where the steps are outlined), in the error handling function, a conditional checks to see whether the error type is either E_NOTICE or E_STRICT. If they are, Larry suggests "no message error should be printed, as the error is likely not interfering with the operation of the page".
Since PHP 5 the E_STRICT constant has had a value of 2048, so the conditional should check whether $e_number equals 2048 for this type of error. Shouldn't then the conditional printed in the book:
if (($e_number != E_NOTICE) && ($e_number < 2048)) {
be rewritten to:
if (($e_number != E_NOTICE) && ($e_number != 2048)) {
Why would we want to check for a smaller than 2048 error code value? In case an E_STRICT error occurred the page would still display the generic error message.