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Hey guys I am using imperavi-redactor-widget and i am having problem with toolbar Yii::import('ext.imperavi-redactor-widget.ImperaviRedactorWidget'); $this->widget('ImperaviRedactorWidget', array( // you can either use it for model attribute 'model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'description', // or just for input field 'name' => 'description', // some options, see 'options' => array( 'lang' => 'en', //'toolbar' =>'' , 'iframe' => true, 'buttons'=>array( 'formatting', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'deleted', '|', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist', 'outdent', 'indent', '|', 'image', 'video', 'link', '|', 'html', ), 'css' => 'wym.css', ), 'plugins' => array( 'fullscreen' => array( 'js' => array('fullscreen.js',), ), 'clips' => array( // You can set base path to assets 'basePath' => 'application.components.imperavi.my_plugin', // or url, basePath will be ignored //'baseUrl' => '/js/my_plugin', 'css' => array('clips.css',''), 'js' => array('clips.js',), // add depends packages 'depends' => array('imperavi-redactor',), ), ), )); It is showing only 1 button, in this case 'formatting' button. and onchange function doesnot seems to be wroking on this ? any ideas? Thanks
I'm back to "Book 1" ("Repetition is the mother of knowledge") - - and I have a question. When I separate recurrent parts of the web application into separate files, to be included in the index.php, is it possible to use file extensions for included files other than .html, or .inc.html, or .php? For example, what if I want to save my header and footer as header.txt and footer.txt, or even header.jpg and footer.jpg. Would the code contained in them still work if I include them with modified extensions? Is this, or something similar, ever done, for example, as a security trick? Would appreciate your help!