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Found 5 results

  1. I am having trouble creating the code to improve the security of add_print.php in Chapter 19. I am adapting the code from chapter 11 to this problem and not having any luck. I want to validate the file type before adding a print to the database. Does anyone have the solution to this review and pursue question? thanks
  2. Version 0.5 Page 125 Larry, please provide and example to show us how this would work: "{TIP} Most of the time you use renderPartial() within one view file, you’ll want to pass along the variables it received to the other view file." Thanks.
  3. Version 0.5 Page 109 I can't find this file: protected/views/ControllerID/viewName.php Is this a general case address? If so, an example would help. Anyway, where exactly is this file? Thanks.
  4. How can I get all the tables to appear when generating models in Chapter 4? (p 71, version 0.5) When I click the Preview button, the Model Generator shows just one table. In contrast, the book shows 5 tables. How can I get all 5 tables to appear in the Model Generator list? More info: When I open the database in the MyPhpAdmin Designer view, I can see all 5 tables -- and their relationships -- so I know they exist. (I can also see 3 other tables, all starting with "auth".) My yiicdemo files are here: D:\xampp\htdocs\yiicdemo My framework folder is here: D:\xampp\framework The Code Template dropdown shows this: default (D:\xampp\framework\gii\generators\model\templates\default) The Code File list shows only one table: models\TblUser.php Thanks.
  5. Hi Larry In your book you create a my_error_handler which sends error messages to an e-mail address (and it works very well). Just one question - would it be possible in php to write the error message to a file and save it on the server? e.g. error0001.txt error0002.txt error0003.txt etc. etc
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