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Found 4 results

  1. Hello all, I am busy with a complete user management script and have the following questions: Is it good practice to combine the "view users" and "search users" scripts in the same PHP file? How do I amend the "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM users" query for pagination purposes to accommodate the search functionality? In its current form it continues to displays ALL the pagination links after a search query. Is there a more efficient way to formulate the following search query: "SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.type, c.country, u.email, u.status, DATE_FORMAT($date_created, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS dc FROM users AS u INNER JOIN countries AS c USING (country_id) WHERE lang_id = {$_SESSION['lid']} AND u.username LIKE '%" . $terms[0] . "%' OR u.type LIKE '%" . $terms[0] . "%' OR c.country LIKE '%" . $terms[0] . "%' OR u.email LIKE '%" . $terms[0] . "%' OR u.status LIKE '%" . $terms[0] . "%' OR date_created LIKE '%" . $terms[0] . "%' ORDER BY $order_by LIMIT $start, $display" I have searched online but could not find any workable solutions. Any help will as always be much appreciated.
  2. I am creating a forum for my site from the example in this book. I want to include a feature to my new forum where people can see the number of views a thread has had. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could code that.
  3. I want to integrate the forum example in the book into my website, except I would modify it so that I could have multiple forums with different topics on my site. What I want to know is what columns and tables do you think I should add to my forum database. To add to the example in the book, I thought of creating a new forums table, and in it having the forum_id column, as well as the thread_id foreign key column. I am new at this so if you have any suggestions at populating my forums table that would be great.
  4. Hi I've created the Message Board site as per the book but for some reason the Date & Time on both the Forum.php and read.php page aren't displaying. I've tried the supplied code as well as my own and neither work so I'm assuming it might be a php setting or MySQL setting? I've run the site using XAMPP on my MacOSX and also on my rented server. I don't know if it makes any difference but the php.ini file timezone is set to... date.timezone = "Europe/London" Can you help please, many thanks Grant
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