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  1. Hello! Please explain to me how gender validations from scripts 2.3 differ from the nested one in script 2.4. I have this in 2.3 (updated with NULL coalescing operator while practicing Pursue section): $gender = $_REQUEST['gender'] ?? NULL; if ($gender == 'M') { $greeting = '<p><strong>Good day, Sir!</strong></p>'; } elseif ($gender == 'F') { $greeting == '<p><strong>Good day, Madam!</strong></p>'; } else { $gender = NULL; echo '<p class="error">Gender must be either "M" or "F"!</p>'; /* You may wonder how this last case may be possible, considering the values are set in the HTML form. If a malicious user creates their own form that gets submitted to your handle_form.php script (which is very easy to do), they could give $_REQUEST[‘gender’] any value they want. */ } and this in 2.4: if (isset($_REQUEST['gender'])) { $gender = $_REQUEST['gender']; if ($gender = 'M') { $greeting = '<p><strong>Good day, Sir!</strong></p>'; } elseif ($gender = 'F') { $greeting = '<p><strong>Good day, Madam!</strong></p>'; } else { $gender = NULL; echo '<p class="error">Gender must be either "M" or "F"!</p>'; /* You may wonder how this last case may be possible, considering the values are set in the HTML form. If a malicious user creates their own form that gets submitted to your handle_form.php script (which is very easy to do), they could give $_REQUEST[‘gender’] any value they want. */ } } else { // $_REQUEST['gender'] is not set. $gender = NULL; echo '<p class="error">You forgot to select your gender!</p>'; } It seems that these scripts do the same job, or I just can't figure out the difference, please help me to understand it. And also I want to if we could use NULL coalescing operator in script 2.4 some way. Thank you!
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