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  1. In a current project I have a large database that basically holds people and their personal information e.g. each contact can have multiple phone numbers, email addresses, residential addresses etc... As a result data security and integrity are very important. I started of sketching out the database schema and it seems fairly straight-forward. I'd create a people table which contains the individual people and then a series of other tables to hold their personal information each in a one-to-many relationship. E.g. Each person can have multiple phone numbers. All seemed fine until I started thinking through the use cases. If someone updates their mobile number and saves their details I would essentially have to delete all their numbers and then add them all again because you can't easily tell if details were deleted, updated or inserted to the contact. I think any effort to package the existing ID with each number would simply be messy. So first, is there anything wrong with deleting and re-inserting all one-to-many relationships? It will lead to big gaps in the primary key which I guess can be fixed by calling something like repair etc... For reference this database will have several million users. This seemed messy so I considered storing the one-to-many relationships as serialised objects within a single table because then I wouldn't have to worry about maintaining FK relationships and having large gaps in the primary keys. This led me to looking at NoSQL solutions as this seems to be basically what they do. I read the mogoDB article from Larry's newsletter and thought it might be worth considering. Any thoughts? PS. In general I only have to update or fetch the objects I don't have to search based on a phone number etc...
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