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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all, First of all, thanks a trillion for the book. It covers a lot of nice topics. This question is related with a difficulty that I (and perhaps others) may have, regarding a multi model form implementation. Let's say we have a form that should allow a TEAM SUBSCRIPTION and it's members. Obviously, Team is one table, members are another. They do have a relation. Tricky part: This form as a "add new member" button that should visually, display a new member fieldset (render partial?) to be added with more members fields. (And with this, comes a lot of assumptions like): When user hits submit, but a TEAM name already exists (ajax validation), the user informations should be kept. (if they already added two users to that team, those two users should appear again on the form). Without asking for the code, I'm really not getting what should we use on Yii in order to help us out on this scenario. I've read about tabular input, but nothing that explains an overall view using that with Partial Views and Ajax Calls. Can I please have a clue about a possible implementation of this ? This seems to be a very common scenario. You want to subscribe a team of variable members, so you wish to add those members live. Or, you wish to sell a product with some extra optional items, and you wish to allow the user to select has many extra things as they can get. Despite being common, I don't see an overall view regarding such scenarios... If there's a need for a better clarification of the propose, please drop me a reply. Thanks in advance.
  2. Version 0.5 Page 125 Larry, please provide and example to show us how this would work: "{TIP} Most of the time you use renderPartial() within one view file, you’ll want to pass along the variables it received to the other view file." Thanks.
  3. I want to renderPartial a view from modules. Path of View thats need to renderPartial: protected/modules/shop/views/products/addToCart.php Path where to be Rendered: protected/views/site/_post.php.
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