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Found 15 results

  1. Thanks to the advice received, I am making progress. I can send a charge for payment and receive confirmation that it is marked as 'paid'. But I have a puzzlement re page 518 re 'capturing charges'. Firstly, it seems that the charge_id is the token - is my understanding on this point correct? I used that anyway in the 'retrieve' statement and it did not object. (I am adapting Larry's code here for my own purposes, in fact a single charge). The '$charge->paid returns true which I test in my code and I can also see it in the Stripe test log. It does this whether I invoke the 'retrieve' and 'capture' statements or not. But the dashboard does not show any $s even though I have now sent dozens of charges all of which have returned true for paid. Any advice will be most appreciated and thank you in anticipation. Necuima
  2. Hi Larry, I am trying to use Stripe from my localhost and have established a test account with Stripe Australia. I am getting error "Class 'Stripe\Stripe_Charge' not found in .....on line 182 - I am on page 508 in the book. I have Stack-Overflowed and tried their solutions but none work. I am not able to use composer as I'm using PHP 5.5.3 on Windows 7 so I did the manual download and as far as I can tell all that is OK. Again, any advice will be most appreciated. Cheers, Necuima
  3. Hi Larry, I am trying to use STRIPE for the first time. I have set up a test account and that seems to be OK. I am adapting your form in billing.html but in a PHP script. The validation of my data via the ajax call to Stripe is OK as I am able to submit the form but when I check what data are received by my adaptation of your billing.php I can see the posted token but no form data. My form is attached. Can you see what I am doing wrong please? Thanks, Necuima
  4. HI Larry and all, In Chapter 15 (pp. 508) of the 2nd ed., point #6 states "Copy the Stripe.php file and the Stripe folder from the downloaded file to your site's directory." I downloaded the latest version 3.12.1 of the Stripe PHP files from https://github.com/stripe/stripe-php/releases, but there is no Stripe folder existing in the lib folder. I did find the Stripe.php file though. Question is where do I find the Stripe folder and all the files needed that are in that folder? Do you have a list of which files are required on my server? Has the PHP ZIP file changed? Thanks in advance as always!
  5. Read and learned a lot from the Strip tutorial but couldn’t find a Stripe Forum so I’m asking here (since it is E-commerce related). Do you have a tutorial for ACH Payments through Stripe? Thanks.
  6. In a previous post I mentioned this but I start new topic now. The issue is I cannot get the name and address information to Stripe. By email Stripe support thought my form was correct and asked how my javascript is passing in the data. (I am using your code.) So I looked at buy.js and it appears this is where I should include those fields, so I tried that but now my charge does not go though correctly. And if there is any error reported from this buy.js script, it flashes on the screen and then scrolls off (more accurately is covered up). I have seen these errors flash on the screen before and I would like to know how I can keep those errors showing. This time I don't see anything flash but the charge does not come through because my form shows again and my debugging line does not print the charge information. Here is my code where I get the values: var name = $('.name').val(), address_line1 = $('.address_line1').val(), address_line2 = $('.address_line2').val(), address_city = $('.address_city').val(),address_state = $('.address_state').val(), address_zip = $('.address_zip').val(), address_country = $('.address_country').val(); And here is the code where I create the token: Stripe.card.createToken({ number: ccNum, cvc: cvcNum, exp_month: expMonth, exp_year: expYear, name: name, address_line1: address_line1, address_line2: address_line2, address_city: address_city, address_state: address_state, address_zip: address_zip, address_country: address_country }, stripeResponseHandler); And also, if this where I pass through this information, should I also do a validate check on them.
  7. I'm receiving the Stripe programming error: catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) I know it is because I added data to the Charge array. It works without the new data but not with it. Here's the code and I don't see the error: $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "amount" => $amount, // amount in cents, again "currency" => "usd", "source" => $token, "address_line1" => $ad, "address_city" => $ct, "address_state" => $st, "address_zip" => $zip, "address_country" => "US", "receipt_email" => $em, "receipt_number" => $uid, "name" => $fn . $ln, "shipping" => 0, "statement_descriptor" => "BCA Creative.com " . $prod_name, "metadata[uid]"=>$uid, "metadata[pid]"=>$pid, "description" => $prod_name ) );
  8. Hi Larry, In the book you mention that you cannot test Paypal's IPN process from localhost (page 169). Are Stripe payments fully testable from localhost? Also, none of my few websites need or use SSL so I have no experience in using HTTPS. It seems that the website owner will need to obtain a certificate, but when I checked the Digicert website there are a number of different types of certificates available. The website that I'm thinking about would have a very low volume of financial transactions in the range $100 - $200 each. Can you please advise what sort of certificate we would need? Many thanks in anticipation.
  9. hello Mr Ullman: I am currently building an application using stripe. I ran into the following problem. I have members on the applications who sell their goods. anonymous users come and pay for those goods. I can create the charge on stripe and send the money to my users no problem. However, I want to charge my users a percentage, or a flat fee, from that transaction. ex: (This is a fictional example!! i don't have a old underwear selling site). Members of my site post and sell their old underwear using my platform. people visit the site, they like the underwear and they decide to buy it. the underwear costs 100$ (overpriced but whatever). i want to take lets say 5% of that transaction for me (for providing the platform in which they sell their underwear) and the rest of the money send it to my member. I do not want to charge the credit card of the buyer 2ce because he only should make one payment from the checkout. I want to take the money from the total amount, split it in 2 and send 1 to the stripe account of my member, and the other amount (the 5%) to my application's (my own) account. I have looked to solve this problem for like a month now and I am stuck. This is the last thing I need to implement before starting beta tests with some of my members. Do you know How I would go about doing this? I thank you in advance for any help I can get on this issue (or to any forum member who can remove this block I have had for a while). Thanks =)
  10. Thank you, Larry, for your online resource explaining the process of making a charge through Stripe. It was very thorough and super helpful. Using the following code to create the charge object: $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "amount" => $amount, "currency" => "usd", "card" => $token, "description" => $email ) ); I'm using the 'description' key to provide the email address, but when trying to setup email receipts within the Stripe dashboard, does Stripe know to send the receipt to the email found in the 'description'? If not, what can I do differently? I was also wondering about the card holder's name, and how I can send that to Stripe as well to be part of the data for that charge. Thanks!
  11. Really appreciate this software book. It has enabled us to add dues payments to our club website. However I am struggling with adding refunds. If done in the Stripe dashboard, how do we update our database? Security? Or should our website admin panels trigger the refunds but how? Thanks for any thoughts.
  12. I noticed, a while back, that Larry had instituted only Stripe as his method of payment for the Yii book. Then, he added PayPal. Why? I'm wondering if Stripe can truly be the only offering for payment on my site. I'd rather not go the tedious PayPal or other payment gateway route. I would love to hear that Stripe can pull all the weight on its own. Lori
  13. Hi, I just finished reading through Larry's excellent stripe.com tutorial. Though it works great, I did have one question. In his code, he doesn't allow spaces or dashes in the credit card number. Might it be more user friendly to strip out the spaces/dashes after the user submits the form in his submit function? var ccNum = ccNum.replace(/-/g,""); var ccNum = ccNum.replace(/ /g,""); Or are there any pitfalls to this approach? Thank you, Eric
  14. Hello! I have been reading over the great guide for Stripe integration. Great stuff. Thank you for doing those posts. What I want to do though, is use the custom button CHECKOUT method, which is shown here: https://stripe.com/docs/checkout#api along with the "saving customer details for later", method. Which is shown here: https://stripe.com/docs/tutorials/charges#saving-credit-card-details-for-later Can these two things be combined with your methods at all? I am having no luck at all with this.
  15. Hi. Just letting anyone from the UK know that Stripe has finally came over, in private beta format so far. Pound sterling currently being accepted and euro acceptance coming soon. I'd recommend having a look if you can. While waiting for full release, it's a good time to look back at Larry's guide if you want to integrate this, starting from: http://www.larryullman.com/2012/10/10/introduction-to-stripe/
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