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Found 5 results

  1. The following code is from chapter 5 of this book. if (!comments || !comments.value || (comments.value.indexOf('<') != -1) ){ okay = false; alert ('Please enter your comments, without any HTML!'); My question is why do we have to both put !comments and also !comments.value. Aren't they the same?? Why check comments if it doesn't have a value. I just learned php with Larry's book, and am new at javascript.
  2. In Chapter 19, the $_SESSION['customer_id'] variable is often used for things like isset($_SESSION['customer_id']) why though can't we use other table columns that are like customer_id in the $_SESSION[] for example $_SESSION['order_id'] In chapter 19 also, the $_GET['id'] is the same id as the customer's. Why is it the same? Where does it get declared as the same, I have searched through the scripts and I don't see it. I am trying to create a script where users can view their past orders. The trouble I am having is calculating the total amount of the order in the checkout.php script, because there is no customer_id field in the order_contents table. Here is where I am at with that in the checkout.php script: $u = "SELECT price * quantity AS amount FROM order_contents WHERE order_id=?not sure what to put here"; $total = mysqli_query($dbc, $u);
  3. My question is why in the following mysql statement does the $id at the end, not have to be in single quotes, whereas other variables in this statement are in quotes. $u = "UPDATE customers SET first_name='$fn', last_name='$ln', email='$em', address='$add', zipcode='$zip', city='$city', state='$state', country='$coun' WHERE customer_id = $id";
  4. I am almost finished the book, and I am not totally clear on how to use the $page_title variable that appears throughout the book, do we have to include the following code in the title tag of each php script in order to use $page_title. <?php echo $page_title; ?>. In most of the examples in this book the $page_title variable is used in the script without showing the code used in the title tag. Also since the $page_title variable appears below the title tag when I load the php script in my browser I get an error message saying that $page_title isn't a valid variable. Can someone explain to me how to properly use the $page_title variable when writing php scripts. Or is it just easier to write the title in the title tag without using this variable.
  5. This statement works fine as it is echo '<p>'.$query_row['name'].'</p>'; But how would it be possible to turn '<p>'.$query_row['name'].'</p>' into a variable that could be called back by a print or echo statement ? A not working example $myvar = '<p>'.$query_row['name'].'</p>'; echo $myvar; Does anyone know how this is possible?
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