Hi all.
Im trying go abit beyond the chapters of the yii-book, and im struggeling with the update of a database.
I cant seem to figure out how i update an existing row.
So im trying to build a e-mail verification, a user registers and gets an email with a link to myproject.com/verify?id=ID&verificationcode=VERIFICATIONCODE, and the verifypage picks it up and runs my actionVerify() method:
public function actionVerify() {
Yii::app()->user->setFlash('validated','<h2>Your E-mail is validated!</h2><p>You can now log in using the form below.</p>');
I've tried for a few hours now, starting of with using $model = new User, that ofcourse generates an error as you cant update an existing row with the creation of a new object. The code i have pasted over here generates the following error: Undefined index: id
So im kinda stuck here, and im sure the solution is close to something i've tried.
I have googled this alot, but the lack of well-explained articles kills me. I just dont have the understandment of yii/oop to use the manual or short articles just yet.
Any help is appriciated, thanks in advance.