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Script 10.3 -Upload_Image,Php

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Hi, I have completed Script 10.3, I spent 3 hours last night debbuging it as it would not work. I would select an image and it did nothing. I was using Firefox and dreamweaver cs4, With windows vista, wamp 2.1 php6.0 Apache2.2.17


Ive been trying again today, nothing just the html form.select an image and press submit, i get the load symbol and the form stay's the same!

Then i tried Internet explorer 9, nothing

Then Opera 11.0, nothing,

Then safari, Wa hey... It works, so i tried google chrome and that works too.

I noticed the two browsers that work don't have a text box just a button but they work and the images go to the folder

So why do the other three browsers that show a text box display not work, is it the way i have them configured as they are the browers i use and the other two i do not?



Here is my Script although it is not that!!!






<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Upload an image</title>

<style type="text/css" title="text/css" media="all">

.error {

font_weight: bold;

color: #c00;






<?Php # Script 10.3 upload_image.php

// Check if the form has been submitted:

if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {



// Check for an uploaded file


if (isset($_FILES['upload'])) {


// Validate the file type, should be JPG or PNG.

$allowed = array ('image/pjpeg',

'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg',

'image/JPG', 'image/X_PNG',

'image/PNG', 'image/png',



if (in_array($_FILES['upload']

['type'], $allowed)) {


// Move the file over.


if (move_uploaded_file



}")) {


echo '<p><em>The file has been uploaded.</em></p>';


} // End of move IF


} else { // Invalid type.


echo '<p class="error">Please upload a JPG or PNG image.</p>';



} //End of isset($_FILES['upload']) IF


// Check for an error

if ($_FILES['upload']['error'] > 0) {

echo '<p class="error">The file could not be upload because: <strong>';


//Print a message based upon the error.


switch ($_FILES['upload']['error']) {


case 1:


print 'This exeeds the max_file_upload setting in php.ini.';




case 2:


print 'The file size exeeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE in the HTML form';




case 3:


print 'The file was only partialy uploaded.';




case 4:


print 'No files were uploaded';




case 6:


print 'No tempory folder was available.';




case 7:


print 'Unalble to write to the disk';




case 8:

print 'File upload stopped';






print 'A sytem error occured';


} // End of switch


print '</strong></p>';


} // End of error IF.


//Delete the files if it still exists


if (file_exists

($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) &&

is_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) ) {




} // End of the submitted conditional



<form enctype="multipart/form_data" action="upload_image.php" method="post">


<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="524288" >


<fieldset><legend>Select a JPG or PNG image of 512kb or smaller to be uploaded:</legend>


<p><b>File:</b> <input type="file" name="upload" /></p>



<div align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></div>

<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />




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