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Chapter11 Displaying Image Windows

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I'm having difficulty getting my images to appear in their cute little windows. To enlighten those mildly familiar with the project, images.php scans the directory that .jpg images reside (already confirmed they are uploaded) and establishes the filename and dimensions of each image, creates a list of links that invoke a Javascript function that creates a pop-up window, which in turn calls show_image.php to display the image. When I click on the link, the page does nothing. I receive no errors from the scripts and I receive no error from the browser indicating that href resource does not exist. I tried including write statements in the Javascript function to see if it was in fact processing a request but I don't see that either. I've tested on Safari 5.0.6 and Firefox 3.0.7. Any ideas?

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I got it to work but only erratically. I suspect it might have something to do with the capricious nature of headers. For instance, the trace I inserted in the function would not generate output unless the script worked successfully and an image in it's own window displayed properly. I used the function provided by the author and it seemed to work. When I replaced (copy/paste) the function code I had written with that of the authors, it still failed to work. I'm done with this and moving on.

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