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Something I Don'T Get About Prepared Statements

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This might seem like a rather simple question, but I can't find an answer anywhere, so I'll ask it here.


All the literature about prepared statements always says something like, "You only have to prepare the query once, and then you don't have to anymore after that."

Related to this, my question is: Does this mean that you only have to prepare the statement/query once ever (no matter how many times a script is run), or does it mean that you only have to prepare the query once every time a PHP script is executed?


If it's the latter, then I have to ask: Are there any benefits to using prepared statements if you end up executing a certain type of query only once each time a script is run?

It seems like the overhead required to set up the prepared statement would be greatly than simply executing the query normally.


Any thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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So I guess the question is: Even if I only execute one query (or one type of query) per script, should I still use prepared statements for the security benefits?

Also, just to confirm, if I used prepared statements, I don't need to use (or perhaps, I shouldn't use) mysqli_real_escape_string, right?

Thanks rob and Larry.


Edit: Sorry for all these basic questions, but for the longest time, I only used stored procedures, but recently, I switched hosting services, and the new one doesn't allow the use of stored procedures.

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As for whether you should always use prepared statements for security benefits, you'll get different answers. My opinion is "No", that's not necessary. You can certainly use prepared statements if you want, but from what I have read and believe, mysqli_real_escape_string() and other techniques, when done right, is just as secure. Other people don't believe that to be the case, however, and that only prepared statements offer true security.


You don't use mysqli_real_escape_string() with prepared statements, though.


I do sometimes use prepared statements, but I'd often rather go the full next step to stored procedures, if I can.

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