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Email_Receipt.Php File

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Hi all,


The book "effortless e-commerce" said that email_receipt.php file will be described in a few page. But I don't see the file anywhere in this book.


I found the php file from download. I linked this file to final.php and executed. There was an error msg as soon as I executed it. To clarify where the error was coming from, I excluded the email_receipt.php file and executed it. And it worked well.


I am attaching the file codes here below:


The error line is in bold.


The error msg is: "An error occurred in script 'C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\email_receipt.php' on line 25:

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given"






// This script sends a receipt out in HTML format.

// This script is created in Chapter 10.


// Create the message body in two formats:

$body_plain = "Thank you for your order. Your order number is {$_SESSION['order_id']}. All orders are processed on the next business day. You will be contacted in case of any delays.\n\n";


$body_html = '<html><head><style type="text/css" media="all">

body {font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:100%; line-height:.875em; color:#70635b;}


<p>Thank you for your order. Your order number is ' . $_SESSION['order_id'] . '. All orders are processed on the next business day. You will be contacted in case of any delays.</p>

<table border="0" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="6">


<th align="center">Item</th>

<th align="center">Quantity</th>

<th align="right">Price</th>

<th align="right">Subtotal</th>



// Get the cart contents for the confirmation email:

$r = mysqli_query($dbc, "CALL get_order_contents({$_SESSION['order_id']})");


// Fetch each product:

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {


// Add to the plain version:

$body_plain .= "{$row['category']}::{$row['name']} ({$row['quantity']}) @ \${$row['price_per']} each: $" . $row['subtotal'] . "\n";


// Add to the HTML:

$body_html .= '<tr><td>' . $row['category'] . '::' . $row['name'] . '</td>

<td align="center">' . $row['quantity'] . '</td>

<td align="right">$' . $row['price_per'] . '</td>

<td align="right">$' . $row['subtotal'] . '</td>




// For reference after the loop:

$shipping = $row['shipping'];

$total = $row['total'];


} // End of WHILE loop.


// Clear the stored procedure results:



// Add the shipping:

$body_html .= '<tr>

<td colspan="2"> </td><th align="right">Shipping & Handling</th>

<td align="right">$' . $shipping . '</td>



$body_plain .= "Shipping & Handling: \$$shipping\n";


// Add the total:

$body_plain .= "Total: \$$total\n";

$body_html .= '<tr>

<td colspan="2"> </td><th align="right">Total</th>

<td align="right">$' . $total . '</td>




// Complete the HTML body:

$body_html .= '</table></body></html>';


// For Zend:



// Include the class definition:

include ('Zend/Mail.php');


// Create a new mail:

$mail = new Zend_Mail();



$mail->setSubject("Order #{$_SESSION['order_id']} at the Coffee Site");







I tested it with disabling email parts by commenting them. I thought it might cause issues. But it was nothing to do with it.


Thanks for your help and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Thanks for your info.


I know that it means query didn't work. Strangely, all other stored procedure queries worked but only this query didn't work.


I tested this query on final.html file by creating simple codes just under the paragragh:






// Get the cart contents for the confirmation email:

$r = mysqli_query($dbc, "CALL get_order_contents({$_SESSION['order_id']})");


// Fetch each product:

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {


echo 'Per price is '.$row['price_per'].'and you ordered '.$row['quantity'].'.';


} // End of WHILE loop.





Surprisingly, it worked ok.



That's really odd and don't understand.. There must be something else causing the problem..


Can you help me with this issue?

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