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Getting Order Details Into Confirmation Email

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I've created the E-Commerce shopping cart using the Chapter 17 example and all works great! The problem I have is on the confirmation page, I can list the completed order items (code below) by querying the orders table in the database, but how do I repeat this to put into the $body of a confirmation email?


I'm guessing it's creating an array, but how do I assign the output of the array (all 'item name and price' results) into one variable to go into the email $body?







The section of code is:



// Message to the customer:


echo '<h1>Order Complete</h1>


Thank you, you\'ll shortly receive an email receipt confirming your purchase.



<b>Order Details:</b><br>


Order Reference: <b>';


echo $orderref;


echo "</b>


<table width=\"600\" align=\"left\">";


$query = "SELECT item_name, price FROM orders";

$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or trigger_error("Query: $query\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc));


while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {


echo "<tr>


<td style=\"border: none\" width=\"250\">{$row['item_name']}</td>

<td align=\"right\" style=\"border: none\" width=\"50\">£{$row['price']}</td>

<td style=\"border: none\" width=\"300\"></td>



$subtotal = array($row['price']);

$total += array_sum($subtotal);




echo "

<tr><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"border: none\" width=\"600\"></td></tr>



<td style=\"border: none\" width=\"250\"><b>Total</b></td>

<td align=\"right\" style=\"border: none\" width=\"50\"><b>£$total</b></td>

<td style=\"border: none\" width=\"300\"></td>


<tr><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"border: none\" width=\"600\"></td></tr>




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This is a common enough question and actually easier than it seems. Before the loop, initialize a variable as an empty string:

$body = '';

Within the loop, just concatenate whatever you want on to $body. After the loop, use $body as you see fit!

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