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Script 11.2 - Login_Functions.Inc.Php

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For below function:

function absolute_url ($page = 'index.php') {


// Start defining the URL...

// URL is http:// plus the host name plus the current directory:

$url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);


// Remove any trailing slashes:

$url = rtrim($url, '/\\');


// Add the page:

$url .= '/' . $page;


// Return the URL:

return $url;


Why not do this way?

function absolute_url ($page = 'index.php') {


// Start defining the URL...

// URL is http:// plus the host name plus the current directory:

$url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];


// Return the URL:

return $url;

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Because that removes the flexibility of being able to pass in a filename as a function parameter and will only ever point to the script executing it.


The login.php script redirects to loggedin.php, on successful validation of submitted user details, by setting:


$url = absolute_url('loggedin.php');

header("location: $url");


The HTTP spec requires location headers to be absolute urls.

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