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Why Php Instead Of Cms (Content Management Systems) Like Joomla Or Wordpress?

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Hey sir im browsing the net to look for the things that might help me for a career in web developing and i ended with php with mysql which is your book but recently I have seen this content management systems like joomla and wordpress that claims to be better in web development. My question is what really are these CMS is it a shortcut way in traditional programming using php-mysql? does these CMSs a good substitute for developing websites instead of programming using php-mysql? just want to make it clear for me sir

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Joomla is a different kind of thing than WordPress, to be clear. WordPress is for blogging and Joomla is for making various kinds of CMS-es. Both are shortcut alternatives to programming with PHP and MySQL, but only for their intended target. For example, I can have a WordPress blog up in five minutes, whereas a PHP-MySQL one would take a day. But I can use PHP and MySQL to create a statistical analysis site and couldn't do that in WordPress at all. The range of what you can do with Joomla is larger, but you actually have to know PHP and MySQL to really make the most of Joomla.


Learning Joomla or WordPress along with PHP and MySQL gives you good options. But only learning Joomla and WordPress gives you very narrow options, and you're best hope in making a career out of it would be to get lots and lots of jobs, as these jobs would be smaller.

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