In this edition…

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Some time ago I stumbled upon the WWW SQL Designer, an online database modeling tool, created by Ondrej Zara. It’s built in JavaScript, and runs in the browser, although PHP is required for some functionality. You can download the code from its Google Code home page so that you can run it in from your own computer, but to see a demo of it in action (a completely usable demo), head to

There’s not much in the way of documentation, but the tool is pretty straightforward, and there’s a YouTube video, if you want. To start, just create a new table, giving it a name. The tool will automatically create the autoincremented primary key for each new table. Then you can add other columns and indexes (aka keys). Add more tables as needed, and you can easily indicate the relationships between tables by marking foreign keys. Once you’re done with the design, you can export the SQL. The tool supports many different databases, including MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. The outputted SQL is also nicely broken down, separating, for example, the foreign key statements and table properties (e.g., the character set, collation, and storage engine) into standalone ALTER queries, allowing you to use whatever commands you need when you actually go to create the database in your database application. The generated SQL even provides demo INSERT statements for the tables. Alternatively, you can save the design as XML, allowing you to reload that design in the application for further editing at another time.

I’m always on the lookout for a good database design tool, so was pleased to find this one. It’s particularly useful when I’m not on my primary computer, such as when I’m at a client’s office, and need to whip up some SQL on the fly. Check it out for yourself and see what you think. The price—free—is right!

In Part 3 of my “[intlink id=”1578″ type=”page”]Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL[/intlink]” book, I use to process payments for a site that sells physical goods. accepts credit cards and can be directly integrated into your site, so that the customer never leaves (unlike, for example, PayPal’s Website Payments Standard, used in Part 2 of the book, which goes through PayPal’s site). The code in the book was written in a very modular style, with the intent that you can use the components you need, and swap others in and out. A reader specifically wanted to know how you would use PayPal’s Website Payments Pro instead of, and that’s what I’ll explain here. Continue Reading…

Sometimes it’s tough being such a pioneer, but, yes, I am now officially on Twitter. Only about 500 million people and organizations beat me to the punch.

I’ve obviously been aware of Twitter for years now, but have avoided all forms of “social media”, despite the fact that many readers, and even my publisher, have kept suggesting that I create an account. Well, I finally accepted that “I don’t wanna” isn’t really a good reason for not having a Twitter account. And, I reminded myself that I could use Twitter the way I want, that it doesn’t have to be a stereotypical (and inane) series of “I am eating a sandwich.” tweets.

So I’m now officially @LarryUllman (clever handle, no?), although I have yet to actually tweet. Surprisingly, in the couple of weeks since I created an account, I’ve found myself to be quite popular with attractive young women and various service providers. They must all really be interested in what I have to say! If you’re interested, you can now follow me on Twitter:

And there was much rejoicing.

Some time ago I came across an excellent resource titled “Essential JavaScript Design Patterns“, written by Addy Osmani. Mr. Osami is a JavaScript developer for AOL, a member of the jQuery core team, among other roles, and is a strong writer. “Learning JavaScript Design Patterns” is a book-length document, available for free online. In it, Mr. Osami:

  • Introduces the concept of design patterns
  • Covers the fundamental design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Module, Prototype, Factory, Mixin)
  • Shows the implementations of the most common design patterns in both JavaScript and jQuery

I think the ideas and the details are well explained, although the subject matter itself does put it beyond the average JavaScript beginner. But if you’re solid with your JavaScript skills and are looking into design patterns, it’s well worth your time. In fact, I would say that if you’re interested  in the subject of design patterns, regardless of the language in use, the introduction that Mr. Osami provides to the subject is a must read.