Archives For e-commerce

In continuing my posts of extra bits from my Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL book, here are nine pages intended for the end of Chapter 10, “Checking Out ”. This chapter is from Part 3 of the book, which covers the example that sells physical products. The particular extras in the PDF are:

  • Emailing HTML and plain text receipts using the Zend Framework
  • Ways to create great customer service
  • Security improvements to consider
  • Using JavaScript to prevent duplicate orders (i.e., changing and disabling the submit button once it’s been clicked)
  • Better use of the gateway communications scripts

Some of the extra code and extra SQL discussed in this PDF is already available for download from the book’s pages on this site.


In continuing my posts of extra bits from my Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL book, here are five pages intended for the end of Chapter 9, “Building a Shopping Cart”. This chapter is from Part 3 of the book, which covers the example that sells physical products. The particular extras in the PDF are five ways you could expand upon how the shopping cart functionality. This includes how you would make recommendations, alternative ways to handle shipping, and how a more efficient database could be had by using VIEW tables.


In continuing my posts of extra bits from my Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL book, here are five pages intended for the end of Chapter 8, “Creating a Catalog”. This chapter is from Part 3 of the book, which covers the example that sells physical products. The particular extras in the PDF are five ways you could expand upon how the product catalog functions.


As seems to happen to me a lot these days, I ran out of pages when writing my Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL book (the publisher assigns a fixed cap on the number of pages). There was just more content that I wanted to put into the book than the book had room for. In fact, there was more content that I had actually written, had edited, and turned into a PDF, than there was room for! The book’s loss is your reward: I’ll give away that extra content here, for free. Although anyone who has or has not read the book is welcome to download the following PDF, it won’t be that useful if you don’t also have the book (and, therefore, its code).

The first extra bit represents five pages intended for the end of Chapter 5, “Managing Site Content”. Chapter 5 is the penultimate chapter for the first example site and these pages discuss a number of ways you can alter the example. Some of the extra code and extra SQL discussed in this PDF is already available for download from the book’s pages on this site.


I’m very pleased to say that I just received my copies of the Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL book yesterday, which means it should be available in stores any day now. Thanks to everyone for their interest in the book!