Working on “The Yii Book”

March 19, 2013
The Yii Book If you like my writing on the Yii framework, you'll love "The Yii Book"!

Quick update on my progress on “The Yii Book”…

Today I’m wrapping Chapter 13, “Using Extensions,” and then I’ll begin writing Chapter 14, “JavaScript and jQuery.” Once those two are done, I’ll send them to the technical editors. When I’ve received the chapters back from the technical editors, I’ll make the final edits and post an update.

Those two chapters complete Part 2 of the book, “Core Concepts”. (Finally.) Part 2 of the book is obviously the most important and, when all is said and done, should end up taking the most time of the whole writing process.

I’m excited to then be moving onto Part 3 of the book, “Advanced Topics.” These are more sophisticated subjects, and some of them will be challenging (such as unit testing and extending Yii). But the chapters in Part 3 are all more focused chapters than those in Part 2, which will make it easier to write them (the breadth of possible topics and specifics to cover in Part 2 was a constant hurdle). I’ve also cut one chapter from Part 3: I was planning on doing a dedicated chapter on modules, but, in hindsight, it makes more sense to put that content in the “Extending Yii” chapter. So I’ve technically cut a chapter, but have not changed the actual content to be covered.

And that’s where things stand today. I am continuing to write, write, write. Thanks to everyone for their interest in the book, their feedback, and their patience!