“Faster Web Development with Yii Framework 2” Presentation on NomadPHP

October 6, 2014
The Yii Book If you like my writing on the Yii framework, you'll love "The Yii Book"!

On October 23, I’ll be doing an online presentation titled “Faster Web Development with Yii Framework 2”. In this presentation, I’ll be introducing the Yii framework in general, and version 2 in particular. Keep reading this post or click the “Faster Web Development with Yii Framework 2” link, for an introduction to the presentation.

This is a paid event, put on by NomadPHP, but the cost is only $15, for either live attendance or a video afterwards.

No doubt, there are a lot of PHP frameworks to choose from, but my personal favorite is Yii. Yii is your standard MVC framework, complete with scaffolding, performance tools, and a high level of extendibility. Yii has a pretty low level of entry for beginners, with great power and capability for the expert. Really, Yii is just a delight to work with. In this presentation, I’m going to introduce web development using Yii, using live coding and demonstrations. Plenty of time will be given to the range of what Yii offers, with an emphasis of what I consider to be its strengths. The presentation will also cover what’s new in version 2 of the framework, which is coming out in 2014. And despite the fact that I really like Yii, absolutely no time will be spent suggesting why it’s better or worse than your favorite framework.