- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Getting Started
- Installation on Windows
- Installation on Mac OS X
- Testing an Installation
- Ruby Documentation
- Interactive Ruby
- Customizing irb
- Chapter 2: Simple Scripts
- Creating a Basic Script
- Execution on Windows
- Command-Line Execution
- Making Scripts Executable
- Creating Output
- Taking Input
- Making Comments
- Chapter 3: Simple Types
- Creating Numbers
- Performing Arithmetic
- Numeric Methods
- Creating Strings
- Interpolation and Escaping
- Common String Methods
- Creating Multiline Strings
- Using Constants
- Dates and Times
- Chapter 4: Arrays, Ranges, and Hashes
- Creating Arrays
- Common Array Methods
- Adding Elements
- Removing Elements
- Arrays and Strings
- Using Ranges
- Creating a Hash
- Common Hash Methods
- Chapter 5: Control Structures
- Operators
- Basic Conditionals
- Extended Conditionals
- The Conditional Operator
- Case Statements
- Basic Loops
- Numeric Iterators
- Collection Iterators
- Chapter 6: Creating Methods
- Simple Methods
- Returning Values
- Taking Arguments
- Default Argument Values
- Using self
- Variable-Length Arguments
- Methods and Blocks
- Chapter 7: Creating Classes
- Simple Classes
- Instance Variables
- Using Accessors
- Creating Constructors
- Defining Operators
- Other Special Methods
- Validation and Duck Typing
- Chapter 8: Inheritance and More
- Basic Inheritance
- Overriding Methods
- Chaining Methods
- Access Control
- Class Variables
- Class Methods
- Chapter 9: Modules and Includes
- Modules as Namespaces
- Modules as Mixins
- Requiring Files
- Ruby Standard Library
- Chapter 10: Regular Expressions
- Performing Matches
- Defining Simple Patterns
- Using Anchors
- Using Quantifiers
- Using Character Classes
- Using Modifiers
- Finding Matches
- Performing Substitutions
- Chapter 11: Debugging and Error Handling
- Using the Ruby Debugger
- Exception Handling
- Handling Exceptions by Type
- Raising Exceptions
- Unit Testing
- Chapter 12: RubyGems
- Installing RubyGems
- Managing and Installing Gems
- Using Gems
- The creditcard Gem
- The Highline Gem
- The Redcloth Gem
- Chapter 13: Directories and Files
- The Basics
- Accessing Directory Contents
- Directory and File Properties
- Permissions
- Creating, Moving, Copying, and Deleting
- Reading from Files
- Writing to Files
- Using FasterCSV
- Chapter 14: Databases
- Getting Started
- Executing Simple Queries
- Inserting Records
- Retrieving Records
- Performing Transactions
- Chapter 15: Networking
- Creating a Socket Server
- Using Threads
- Creating a Socket Client
- HTTP Connections
- Handling RSS Feeds
- Chapter 16: Ruby on Rails
- A Rails Primer
- Getting Started
- Database Configuration
- Creating the Database
- Trying the Site
- Customizing Models
- Customizing Views
- Customizing Controllers
- Chapter 17: Dynamic Programming
- OS Integration
- Tainted Data
- Safe Levels
- Procs and Lambdas