On this page you will find all of the books written by Larry Ullman, in English. The official Web sites for Larry’s books are listed along with each title. For information on buying any of these books, click the link on the book’s associated page. Note that I only recommend you purchase the most recent edition of any book.
To see if a book is available in a specific language, you will need to contact the publisher or your local bookstore. To see if a book is available in a digital format, contact the publisher or search online resources. Peachpit Press does offer some titles through their Safari online system. Unfortunately Larry has no knowledge or involvement as to how the books are sold, what language they’re available in, where you can buy them, when they’ll be available in certain countries, if they’re available in a PDF or HTML format, etc. That being said, Larry really would like it if you’d buy his books!
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (5th Edition) by Larry Ullman
The fourth revision of this very popular title covers everything you need to know to begin developing dynamic Web sites today, but at a fairly quick pace (when compared with the PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide). This book teaches you everything about PHP, MySQL, and SQL that you need to know, all in a step-by-step format using practical examples. Covers PHP 5, PHP 7, and MySQL 5.
ISBN: 0-13-430184-6 Published: November 2017 678 pages The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/php-and-mysql-for-dynamic-web-sites-visual-quickpro-guide-5th-edition/
PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (5th Edition) by Larry Ullman
A revised edition of the popular beginner’s guide to PHP. Covers everything you need to know to begin developing dynamic websites today, but at a more moderate pace. Basic enough for the non-programmer but thorough enough for today’s Web developer, the book takes you step-by-step through practical examples. Covers PHP 7 and MySQL 5. This edition has also been updated to use HTML5.
ISBN: 0-13-429125-5 Published: June 2016 528 pages The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/php-for-the-web-visual-quickstart-guide-5th-edition/
Effortless E-commerce with PHP and MySQL (2nd Edition) by Larry Ullman
\[intlink id="3728" type="post"\]\[/intlink\]for an explanation of what’s new in the second edition.
ISBN: 978-0-321-94936-6 Published: December 2013 525 pages
The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/effortless-e-commerce-with-php-and-mysql-2nd-edition/
The Yii Book: Developing Web Applications Using the Yii PHP Framework by Larry Ullman
The Yii Book explains everything you need to know to develop Web applications using the Yii framework. This book is being self-published.
The URL for this book is larry.pub
PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming: Visual QuickPro Guide (3rd Edition) by Larry Ullman
PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming: Visual QuickPro Guide (3rd Edition) teaches advanced PHP and Web development topics with a heavy emphasis on Object-Oriented Programming.
ISBN: 978-0321832184 Published: September 2012 504 pages The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/php-advanced-and-object-oriented-programming/
Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design by Larry Ullman
Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design was written to teach JavaScript as a complete programming language. The book does so using practical examples and emphasizing approaches that represent how the language should truly be used today. You’ll learn sound Web development theory, relying heavily upon unobtrusive JavaScript, progressive enhancement, and object detection, among other concepts. At the same time, you’ll also walk away with plenty of usable code and many examples that are applicable to today’s Web. There’s even a chapter on using JavaScript and PHP together to create a complete, functional, and reliable Web application (the basis of an auction site).
ISBN: 0-321-81252-2 Published: February 2012 610 pages The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/modern-javascript-develop-and-design/
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (4th Edition) by Larry Ullman
The third revision of this very popular title, with over 100 pages of new content. Covers everything you need to know to begin developing dynamic Web sites today, but at a fairly quick pace (when compared with the PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide). This book teaches you everything about PHP, MySQL, and SQL that you need to know, all in a step-by-step format using practical examples. Covers PHP 5 and MySQL 5. New in this edition are a “Review and Pursue” section at the end of each chapter, with reminder questions and follow-up recommendations, expanded coverage of SQL and MySQL, a new chapter introducing jQuery, and another new chapter introducing Object-Oriented Programming. Many chapters have been updated with new examples, too. The book also uses an updated layout and style, a fresher look for the Visual QuickStart series.
ISBN: 0-321-78407-3 Published: September 2011 676 pages The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/php-and-mysql-for-dynamic-web-sites-visual-quickpro-guide-4th-edition/
PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (4th Edition) by Larry Ullman
A revised edition of the popular beginner’s guide to PHP. Covers everything you need to know to begin developing dynamic Web sites today, but at a more moderate pace. Basic enough for the non-programmer but thorough enough for today’s Web developer, the book takes you step-by-step through practical examples. Covers PHP 5 and MySQL 4 and 5. New in this edition are a “Review and Pursue” section at the end of each chapter, with reminder questions and follow-up recommendations, and a new example chapter, which puts together most of the book’s content into one practical, real-world example. The book also uses an updated layout and style, a fresher look for the Visual QuickStart series.
ISBN: 0-321-73345-2 Published: March 2011 460 pages The URL for this book is www.larryullman.com/books/php-for-the-web-visual-quickstart-guide-4th-edition/
Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL by Larry Ullman
An intermediate to advanced-level guide to creating e-commerce sites using PHP and MySQL. The book uses two distinct, complete Web projects to cover the fundamentals of what it means to perform e-commerce.
ISBN: 0-321-65622-9 Published: October 2010 384 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/effortless-e-commerce-with-php-and-mysql/
Effortless Flex 4 Development by Larry Ullman
A beginning to intermediate reader’s guide to Flex 4, a framework for developing Rich Internet Applications (and, thanks to Adobe AIR, desktop applications). This book covers everything you need to know to develop in Flex, from the MXML components to the fundamentals of the ActionScript programming language. A large chunk of the book involves server-side interactions, and uses PHP as the server technology. Although the book discusses Adobe Flash Builder as a popular IDE for developing Flex applications, it does not assume you’re using that particular IDE.
ISBN: 0-321-70594-7 Published: July 2010 437 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/effortless-flex-4-development/
PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (3rd Edition) by Larry Ullman
A slightly revised edition of the popular beginner’s guide to PHP. Covers everything you need to know to begin developing dynamic Web sites today, but at a more moderate pace. Basic enough for the non-programmer but thorough enough for today’s Web developer, the book takes you step-by-step through practical examples. Covers PHP 5 and MySQL 4 and 5.
ISBN: 0-321-44249-0 Published: December 2008 450 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-for-the-web-visual-quickstart-guide-3rd-edition/
Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide by Larry Ullman
Ruby is a popular cross-platform scripting language used for text manipulation, system administration, and Web development (through the very popular Ruby on Rails framework). This book covers all of the fundamentals of using Ruby, from data types to object oriented programming to files, databases, and networking. No previous programming experience is required but through the practical examples, you’ll be successfully using Ruby in no time!
ISBN: 0-321-55385-3 Published: November 2008 420 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/ruby-visual-quickstart-guide/
Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) with Ajax: Visual QuickPro Guide by Larry Ullman
AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is Adobe’s open-source technology that lets Web developers and programmers create Rich Internet Applications that run outside of any Web browser. This Visual QuickPro Guide teaches everything you need to know to begin creating cross-platform applications that combine the rich experience of a traditional desktop application with programming simplicity of a Web page. The book uses a visual, step-by-step approach and covers all the fundamental AIR concepts, without the fluff, confusing segues, and technical jargon that bog down so many other computer books. This book focuses solely on developing AIR applications using HTML and JavaScript, although formal knowledge of JavaScript is not required.
ISBN: 0-321-52461-6 Published: May 2008 390 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/adobe-air-adobe-integrated-runtime-with-ajax-visual-quickpro-guide/
PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (3rd Edition) by Larry Ullman
The second revision of this very popular title, with over 100 pages of new content. In this book, the author of best-selling guides to both the database program (MySQL) and the scripting language (PHP) returns to cover the winning pair in tandem: the way users work with them today to build dynamic sites using Open Source tools. Using step-by-step instructions, clearly written scripts, and expert tips to ease the way, author Larry Ullman discusses PHP and MySQL separately before going on to cover security, sessions and cookies, and using additional Web tools, with several sections devoted to creating sample applications. A companion Web site includes source code and demonstrations of techniques used in the volume. If you’re already at home with HTML, you’ll find this volume the perfect launching pad to creating dynamic sites with PHP and MySQL.
ISBN: 0-321-52599-x Published: December 2007 620 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-6-and-mysql-5-for-dynamic-web-sites-visual-quickpro-guide-3rd-edition/
Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual QuickProject by Larry Ullman
A fast-paced book-length tutorial on adding Ajax functionality to a Web site. Without going into too many details or an overwhelming amount of code, this book walks you through a complete sample application built using PHP, MySQL, CSS, and JavaScript. The focus is on creating cross-platform, cross-browser pages that are reliable, useful, and attractive. All of the current security issues and benefits (as well as the drawbacks) of Ajax are discussed.
ISBN: 0-321-52441-1 Published: August 2007 155 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/building-a-web-site-with-ajax-visual-quickproject/
PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide (2nd Edition) by Larry Ullman
An intermediate user’s guide to PHP, this book picks up where “PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide” leaves off. The visual, guided demonstration technique is used, along with more discussion and theory. A number of Web applications are developed over the course of the book and more advanced technologies are introduced. MySQL is used frequently for database applications.
ISBN: 0-321-37601-3 Published: March 2007 608 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-5-advanced-visual-quickpro-guide-2nd-edition/
MySQL: Visual QuickStart Guide (2nd Edition) by Larry Ullman
A beginning to intermediate level guide to MySQL, the world’s most popular open source database, and SQL, the language used to communicate with nearly all databases. This revised version contains over 125 pages of entirely new material, and the entire text has been updated to cover MySQL versions 4.0, 4.1, and 5.0.
ISBN: 0-321-37573-4 Published: May 2006 460 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/mysql-visual-quickstart-guide-2nd-edition/
C++ Programming: Visual QuickStart Guide by Larry Ullman and Andreas Signer
A beginner’s guide to programming with C++, a popular programming language. Using the step-by-step format, this book covers everything that the C++ novice needs to know, in bite-sized chunks. A knowledge of C is not necessary in order to use this book.
ISBN: 0-321-35656-X Published: December 2005 510 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/cpp-programming-visual-quickstart-guide/
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (2nd Edition) by Larry Ullman
A revised edition of this very popular title, with over 125 pages of new content. In PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, the author of best-selling guides to both the database program (MySQL) and the scripting language (PHP) returns to cover the winning pair in tandem: the way users work with them today to build dynamic sites using Open Source tools. Using step-by-step instructions, clearly written scripts, and expert tips to ease the way, author Larry Ullman discusses PHP and MySQL separately before going on to cover security, sessions and cookies, and using additional Web tools, with several sections devoted to creating sample applications. A companion Web site includes source code and demonstrations of techniques used in the volume. If you’re already at home with HTML, you’ll find this volume the perfect launching pad to creating dynamic sites with PHP and MySQL
ISBN: 0-321-33657-7 Published: June 2005 572 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-and-mysql-for-dynamic-web-sites-visual-quickpro-guide-2nd-edition/
Mac OS X Tiger Timesaving Techniques for Dummies by Larry Ullman and Marc Liyanage
Guiding intermediate and advanced users in customizing Mac OS X to maximize their productivity, this book provides more than sixty timesaving techniques in five categories: system software Apple applications like iTunes and iMail, third-party applications, networking and hardware, and advanced topics such as AppleScript and Terminal Services. For those who already know the basics of Mac OS X, this handy reference offers efficiency-enhancing tips, each presented with clear, straightforward directions in an easy-to-read, two-column format illustrated with multiple screen shots. This is updated for the Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4) version of the operating system.
ISBN: 0-7645-7963-0 Published: June 2005 500 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/mac-os-x-timesaving-techniques-for-dummies/
C Programming: Visual QuickStart Guide by Larry Ullman and Marc Liyanage
A beginner’s guide to programming with C, a popular programming language. Using the step-by-step format, this book covers everything that the C novice needs to know, in bite-sized chunks.
ISBN: 0-321-28763-0 Published: October 2004 390 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/c-programming-visual-quickstart-guide/
Mac OS X Panther Timesaving Techniques for Dummies by Larry Ullman and Marc Liyanage
Guiding intermediate and advanced users in customizing Mac OS X to maximize their productivity, this book provides more than sixty timesaving techniques in five categories: system software Apple applications like iTunes and iMail, third-party applications, networking and hardware, and advanced topics such as AppleScript and Terminal Services. For those who already know the basics of Mac OS X, this handy reference offers efficiency-enhancing tips, each presented with clear, straightforward directions in an easy-to-read, two-column format illustrated with multiple screen shots.
ISBN: 0-7645-5812-9 Published: April 2004 500 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/mac-os-x-timesaving-techniques-for-dummies/
PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (2nd Edition) by Larry Ullman
A revised edition of the popular beginner’s guide to PHP. Covers everything you need to know to begin developing dynamic Web sites today, but at a more moderate pace. Basic enough for the non-programmer but thorough enough for today’s Web developer, the book takes you step-by-step through practical examples. Covers PHP 4 and 5 and MySQL 4.
ISBN: 0-321-24565-2 Published: January 2004 450 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-for-the-world-wide-web-visual-quickstart-guide-2nd-edition/
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide by Larry Ullman
When static HTML pages no longer cut it, you need to step up to dynamic, database-driven sites that represent the future of the Web. In PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, the author of best-selling guides to both the database program (MySQL) and the scripting language (PHP) returns to cover the winning pair in tandem?the way users work with them today to build dynamic sites using Open Source tools. Using step-by-step instructions, clearly written scripts, and expert tips to ease the way, author Larry Ullman discusses PHP and MySQL separately before going on to cover security, sessions and cookies, and using additional Web tools, with several sections devoted to creating sample applications. A companion Web site includes source code and demonstrations of techniques used in the volume. If you’re already at home with HTML, you’ll find this volume the perfect launching pad to creating dynamic sites with PHP and MySQL
ISBN: 0-321-18648-6 Published: May 2003 572 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-and-mysql-for-dynamic-web-sites-visual-quickpro-guide/
MySQL: Visual QuickStart Guide by Larry Ullman
A beginner’s guide to MySQL, the world’s most popular open source database. Topics range from installation to SQL to MySQL functions to using MySQL from PHP, Perl, and Java.
ISBN: 0-321-12731-5 Published: September 2002 327 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/mysql-visual-quickstart-guide/
PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickPro Guide by Larry Ullman
An intermediate user’s guide to PHP, this book picks up where the first one (PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide) left off. The visual, guided demonstration technique is used, along with more discussion and theory. A number of Web applications are developed over the course of the book and more advanced technologies are introduced. MySQL is used frequently for database applications.
ISBN: 0-201-77597-2 Published: December 2001 500 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-advanced-for-the-world-wide-web-visual-quickpro-guide/
PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide by Larry Ullman
A beginner’s guide to PHP, taught using a visual, guided approach. If you have some knowledge of HTML, you’ll be able to start developing dynamic Web applications in no time. Covers the basics of PHP, some more intermediate subjects, and gives a cursory introduction to interacting with a MySQL database.
ISBN: 0-201-72787-0 Published: April 2001 278 pages The URL for this book is www.LarryUllman.com/books/php-for-the-world-wide-web-visual-quickstart-guide/