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  1. Thank you for all the advices. I learn this as hobby during my spare time. Should I start with Chapter 16 Example-user registration? Is there any different using the command line interface compare to phpmyadmin in the long run?
  2. I was a MS Frontpage user before and no programming experience at all. Need to create a user/registration/login datebase project. I spent couple months to research/learn WebMatrix, ASP.NET, PHP MySQL and Drupal to figure out which is a better non=programming friendly tool to start. I followed this book and two days to install the XAMPP without the port 80 error. (installed on a new formatted computer has nothing on it). I followed the chapeters and tried the exercises. It is not easy to pick up the skill and I am lost within the chapters. I am wondering. "I just want to drive a car so do I need to learn how the car works and fix it?" Is there any better tool or advices to approach my project?
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