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Everything posted by MikeW

  1. That did it. Never could get the code for the standard redirects to work on xammp though. Even tried after I fixed everything else. But's it's working and it was a good learning experience.
  2. Still same issue. Could I get the what to add to .htaccess for just one file. The checkout.php see if I can debug that - and expand on it. Other wise I will look for it myself. making ground but got stuck big time here. SSL is one and I am typing the lines as they appear in the forums to avoid hidden characters
  3. That is the default setting. Any hints to what I should be looking into. Or perhaps an alternate way to do that in .htaccess - even if it takes more lines
  4. Had problems with .htaccess and navigating - worked through that by rewriting the .htaccess file This is what worked RewriteEngine on # For sales: RewriteRule ^shop/sales/?$ sales.php # For the primary categories: RewriteRule ^shop/([^/]*)/$ shop.php?type=$1 # For specific products: RewriteRule ^browse/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)$ browse.php?type=$1&category=$2&id=$3 Cart and wishlist handle perfect. When I type in the code to handle https - to make sure it's not a hidden character issue I get 500 errors all the time. I have an ssl certificate installed. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(checkout\.php(billing\.php|final\.php|admin/(.*))$ https://%(HTTP_HOST)/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %(HTTPS) off RewriteRule ^(checkout\.php|billing\.php|final\.php|admin/(.*))$ https://%(HTTP_HOST)/$1 [R=301,L] If I uncomment either line I get the 500 error when loading any page. Running xammp 1.7.4 PHP 5.3.5 Apache 2.2.17 Mysql 5.5.8
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