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Posts posted by Hermann

  1. Hi there. I have recently encountered a problem and I just can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. My registration with password hashing does work but I've tried to make it a little bit easier by building my own function for creating pages. It works brilliantly. But then the problem.


    I've taken the database connection from example 1 and split it into seperate database connection and password hashing files. The problem this caused is that my form validation told me that I cannot redeclare the password hashing function. This made me decide that I will rather make them one file again. This now gives the error that the password hasher's mysqli_real_escape_string has a null first parameter although it is located in the database connection file.


    As I've said earlier, this problem has started when I began using a function for page building. This is really hard problem to try to explain explain so please ask for any details if anyone can think of something.






    The database connection file:



    DEFINE ('DataBase_User','**********');


    DEFINE ('DataBase_Password','*******');


    DEFINE ('DataBase_Host','***********');


    DEFINE ('DataBase_Name','*********');


    $connect_to_database = mysqli_connect(DataBase_Host, DataBase_User, DataBase_Password, DataBase_Name);


    mysqli_set_charset($connect_to_database, 'utf8');


    function escape_data($data) {


    global $connect_to_database;


    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())$data = stripslashes($data);


    return mysqli_real_escape_string($connect_to_database, trim($data));




    function hashed_password ($password) {


    global $connect_to_database;


    return mysqli_real_escape_string ($connect_to_database, hash_hmac('sha256', $password, 'c#haRl891', true));







    The page building function:



    function standard_layout($page_title, $dbc, $page_layout, $page_layout_ie, $stylesheet, $stylesheet_ie, $header_tpl, $page_body, $footer_tpl) {










    Die page title




    $page_title = $page_title;











    Die config file















    Die database konneksie




    if ($dbc == 'allow') {






    echo '<html>';


    echo '<header>';


    echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$page_layout.'"/>';


    echo '<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$page_layout_ie.'"/><![endif]-->';


    echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$stylesheet.'"/>';


    echo '<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$stylesheet_ie.'"/><![endif]-->';


    echo '</header>';


    echo '<body>';


    echo '<div class="wrapper">';


    echo '<div id="header_div">';




    echo '</div id="header_div">';


    echo '<div id="content_div">';




    echo '</div id="content_div">';


    echo '<div class="push"></div>';


    echo '</div>';


    echo '<div class="footer_div">';




    echo '</div>';



    echo '</body>';


    echo '</html>';









    The form that's giving the problems:




    $array_of_field_errors = array();




    POST Request



    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {














    if(filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {


    $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect_to_database, $_POST['email']);


    } else {


    $array_of_field_errors ['email'] = 'Not a valid email address';
















    if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{6,32}$/', $_POST['password'])){


    if($_POST['password'] == $_POST['confirm_password']) {


    $password = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect_to_database, $_POST['password']);


    } else {


    $array_of_field_errors['confirm_password'] = 'Your passwords did not match';




    } else {


    $array_of_field_errors['password'] = 'Please enter a valid password';
















    if (preg_match('/^[A-Z\-]{2,32}$/i',$_POST['city'])){


    $city = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect_to_database, $_POST['city']);


    } else {


    $array_of_field_errors['city'] = 'Please select your City';












    User Type




    if (preg_match('/^[A-Z\-]{8,10}$/i',$_POST['type'])){


    $type = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect_to_database, $_POST['type']);


    } else {


    $array_of_field_errors['type'] = 'Please indicate what type of user you are ';




    if(empty($array_of_field_errors)) {



    $query_database = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = '$email'";


    $connected_query = mysqli_query($connect_to_database, $query_database);


    $rows_returned = mysqli_num_rows($connected_query);


    if ($rows_returned == 0) {



    $query_database = "INSERT INTO users (email, password, location, type) VALUES ('$email','".hashed_password($password)."','$city', '$type')";


    $connected_query = mysqli_query($connect_to_database, $query_database);


    if(mysqli_affected_rows($connect_to_database) == 1) {



    header('Location: http://.........success_pl.php/');




    } else {


    trigger_error('You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience.');





    } else {


    if($rows_returned ==1 ) {


    $array_of_field_errors['email'] = 'Email address already registered ';



















    <div id="register">


    <fieldset id="validate_register_fieldset">


    <legend id="problem_legend"><h2>Please correct these errors</h2></legend>


    <form action="validate.php" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" >



    <p><label for="email"><strong>Email*</strong></label>&nbsp<small>e.g johndoe@mymail.com</small>


    <br/><?php text_pass('email', 'text', 'register', $array_of_field_errors);?>




    <p><label for="password"><strong>Password*</strong></label>&nbsp<small> 6 Character min. Only letters and numbers</small>


    <br/><?php text_pass('password', 'password', 'register', $array_of_field_errors);?>




    <p><label for="confirm_password"><strong>Confirm Password*</strong></label>


    <br/><?php text_pass('confirm_password', 'password', 'register', $array_of_field_errors);?>





    <p><label for="city"><strong>City*</strong></label>


    <br/><?php dropbox('city', 'select' , $array_of_field_errors);?>





    <p><label for="type"><strong>Type of user*</strong></label>


    <br/><?php dropbox('type', 'select', $array_of_field_errors);?>






    <input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="Sign Up" id="submit_button" class="register_button" />




    <a href="provide_info.php" align="right"><small>Why do we need this info?</small> </a><br/>




    <div id="agreed">


    <small>By clicking Sign Up you are indicating that you have </br> read and agree to the <a href="terms_pl.php" ><small>


    Terms of use</small></a> and <a href="privacy_pl.php" ><small>Privacy policy</small></a></small>


    </div id="agreed">






    </div id="register">







    The validate.php page that the above form refers to in its action:



    $page_title = 'Welcome';


    $dbc = 'allow';


    $page_layout = 'default.css';


    $page_layout_ie = 'default_ie.css';


    $stylesheet = 'index.css';


    $stylesheet_ie = 'index_ie.css';


    $header_tpl = 'header_1_tpl.php';


    $page_body = 'information_inc.php';


    $footer_tpl = 'footer_1_tpl_pl.php';


    standard_layout($page_title, $dbc, $page_layout, $page_layout_ie, $stylesheet, $stylesheet_ie, $header_tpl, $page_body, $footer_tpl);




    Please any help would reeeeaaaaaallly be appreciated!

  2. Hi there Larry. Firstly I would like to thank you for the great book.Before I started with your Effortless ECommerce book I didn't have a day's coding experience and I can honestly say that I have become quite accustomed to coding and techniques used as a result of this book so I am really thankful!


    I am building a social network type of site some of the principles in this book. I have used the image uploader from the second part of the book and instead of generating unique image names for every file, I have decided to rename the file so that it will exist only out of the user id data stored in the $_SESSION and the username. This is also stored in the session. A file would thus be stored in the following example directory...model/uploads/images/business_logos/5WalMart/5WalMart.jpg (this is just an example to Wal Mart's directory where it's logo will be stored).


    The image is stored and everything is working 100%. The only problem that I have is that I do not know how to display this image in a browser. What should be stored in a database table? How do I retrieve and show this image on a page? Any help would be appreciated.


    Please ask if you want any extra info!


    Kind Regards!

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