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Everything posted by Mactonex

  1. Here is what I did for Pursue 4: //Create some css styles .red {color:red;} .yellow {color:yellow;} .green {color:green;} .blue {color:blue;} //Alter the switch statement so that each case assigns values to some new variables, and then concatenates them to a new variable, along with some html to apply the css class to the print output at the end //Validate the color switch ($_POST['color']) { case 'red': $color_type = 'primary'; $color_selected ='red'; $css_class = '<span class="red">' . "$color_selected" . '</span>'. ','; break; case 'yellow': $color_type = 'primary'; $color_selected ='yellow'; $css_class = '<span class="yellow">' . "$color_selected" . '</span>' . ','; break; case 'blue': $color_type = 'primary'; $color_selected ='blue'; $css_class = '<span class="blue">' . "$color_selected" . '</span>' . ','; break; case 'green': $color_type = 'secondary'; $color_selected ='green'; $css_class = '<span class="green">' . "$color_selected" . '</span>'. ','; break; default: print '<p class="error">Please select your favourite colour.</p>'. ','; $okay = FALSE; break; } //end of switch //Then alter the print output to include the new variable //If there are no errors, print a success message: if ($okay) { print '<p>You have been successfully registered (but not really).</p>'; print "<p>You will turn $age this year"; print "<p>Your selected color, $css_class is a $color_type color.</p>"; } I concatenated a comma onto the end of the $css_class variable cos I am a punctuation nerd (I even worried whether to put it inside or outside the span!). This seems to work well, but I would be grateful for any comments.
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