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  1. Thanks for the clarification Larry, I'm at a lost to why the array index didn't exist. Like I said in my original post, I ran multiple versions of the script and received the same bug. It was only when I stopped trying to upload the image from the Pictures library in Windows 7 that the script worked. Ok now I'm completely flumoxed, it works fine on that folder now too. Guess I did something that fixed the issue without realising it, wish I knew what it was. Cheers, Steve
  2. Ok solved this issue. The problem seems to be the permissons on the folder which holds the image I was uploading. I moved the image into a different folder, reran the script and it works.
  3. Hi Larry, First off, thank you for the book, I'm learning a lot from it, and I'm looking forward to working my way though some of your other books. I'm having an issue with script 11.2. My php version is 5.3.8 and the bug returned is " Notice: Undefined index: upload" (note this bug appears on line 38 and 74 of the script that I downloaded from your site). I'm on a Windows 7 system, I think that directory permissions have been properly set, they look fine to me. I'm testing the script on the latest version of Opera. I've gone through my code and correct some typos, but still received the above bug. I then compared my script to your script, and other than some style differences the two files looked identical to me. I've done some other debugging and it looks to me like the script isn't entering the second conditional at all. Lastly I attempted to run your script, and received the same error at which point I searched the forums, and errata, and decided to make this post. At the present point in time I'm stumped, so I'm going to take a break and come back to this script later. Any assistance you could provide in fixing this error would be warmly appreciated. Regards, Steve
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