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  1. this will display the alert box but no the error message only after i close the alert box...? $("#submit").click(function(){ alert("Text: " + $("#errormessage").html()); }); somehow i need to parse the php code with javascriopt then display the result.. any ideas?
  2. I am somewhat familiar with jquery and javascript... I am trying to implement some thing like this.. ================================================================ <script> $(document).ready(function(e) { $('#submit').click(function(e){ $("#content").load("submit-form.php"); // this will load the page but not the php error message e.preventDefault(); }); }); </script> ============================================================================= I am trying to keep all my code on one page. I currently have my code is set up like this.. =========================================================== <php php code here ?> <div id="content"> </div> <form> </form>
  3. in chanpter 2, creating a html form. How do i make the error or result output display with jQuery? and not have the page reload each time
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