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Everything posted by rogerjarema

  1. Thanks, HartleySan. I'm a relative newbie to programming, but I know these annoying little things are the bread & butter of programming.
  2. Solved. I just missed the "$" in the SQL query: "qty" which should've been "$qty"
  3. Hello All, I'm creating a shopping cart & I was adapting several aspects while generally I'm following the codes in the book. Here is where I get my problem: pg. 239 on updating carts: } elseif (isset($_POST['quantity'])) { // Update quantities in the cart. // Loop through each item: foreach ($_POST['quantity'] as $sku => $qty) { // Parse the SKU: list($sp_type, $pid) = parse_sku($sku); if (isset($sp_type, $pid)) { // Determine the quantity: $qty = (filter_var($qty, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 0)) !== false) ? $qty : 1; // Update the quantity in the cart: $r = mysqli_query($dbc, "CALL update_cart('$uid', '$sp_type', $pid, $qty)"); } } // End of FOREACH loop. }// End of main IF. I changed it this way, primarily to avoid using stored procedures (for some reason I can't save my stored procedures): elseif (isset($_POST['quantity'])) { // Update quantities in the cart. // Loop through each item: foreach ($_POST['quantity'] as $product_code => $qty) { if (isset($product_code)) { // Determine the quantity: $qty = (filter_var($qty, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('min_range' => 0)) !== false) ? $qty : 1; if ($qty > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE cart SET quantity=qty, date_modified=NOW() WHERE product_code='$product_code' AND user_session_id='$uid'"; } elseif ($qty == 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM cart WHERE product_code='$product_code' AND user_session_id='$uid'"; } // Update the quantity in the cart: $result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); } } // End of FOREACH loop. }// End of main IF. My product does not need parsing as Larry's 'sku'. My question is on the variable $sku (Larry's book) and the respective $product_code (my code). If I run this, the update function does not work because $product_code is unrecognized. The error generated is that $result is empty (there is no result). When I look at Larry's code, $sku is also previously undefined. The related part of this code is this: ... echo '<tr><td>' . strtoupper($display[0]).' '.strtoupper($display[1]). '</td> <td align="right"><input type="text" name="quantity[' . $row['product_code'] . ']" value="' . $row['quantity'] . '" size="2" class="small" /></td> What should I change to make this work? Thank you in advance for the help.
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