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Everything posted by dichevc

  1. Now I got another problem. (I am using the ex2 code from the book downloads.) When I browse "Goodies" an then click "View All Mugs Products" I got the following error message: An error occurred in script 'C:\web\Ex2\html\views\list_products3.html' on line 62: Undefined index: sale_price How can I fix it. Please help! Thank you, Christo
  2. I fixed the "rewrite rules" problem it by replacing the partial absolute path /shop/coffee/ by the full path /web/Ex2/html/shop/coffee/
  3. Hi Larry, I am using EsyPHP for both Ex1 and Ex2. I have configured the server and set up the data base. My problem is in example2. The index.php is working but It doesn't link properly to Coffee, Goodies, Sales etc. I localized the problem - it is in .htaccess (copied from the book downloads) . The .htaccess file itself is enabled and recognized. However the Rewrite Rules are not working. For example when I click “Sales” the generated URL is http://localhost:8080/shop/sales/. The same result with “Goodies”- http://localhost:8080/shop/goodies/. Please help! What might be wrong with my settings. Thank you, Christo P.S. I checked the problems posted in the list but I was not able to find an adequate response addressing my problem.
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