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Everything posted by swthate

  1. Oh, I realized what I did wrong. Dumb mistake. Here's the code from the index.php: <a href="login.php"> <p class="button center"> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { echo "Logout"; } else { echo "Login"; } ?> </p> </a> Wrapping the <p class="button"> with an anchor tag is what I had to do with some other buttons on the index page, so that some hover states worked correctly. I don't have the time yet, but when I move the php tags to encompass the anchor tags as well, and just include the whole button in the if clause, it should work peachy then. Thanks.
  2. Alright, I think this is what's going on: I have two logout links. One on the navigation bar at the top of the page, and one as a button on the dashboard/index page (the navigation is not included on index.php, for now). When I use the link from the navbar, it seems to work correctly. But when I use the logout link on index.php, it tells me I've successfully logged out, but when I visit another page it says I'm logged in still.
  3. I added that to one of my pages, and it displayed the user id and user name, as well as a long string. Then I clicked logout and went back to that page, and it was empty. And now the login/logout toggle links on the index page and navigation bar are working correctly now.... *scratches head*
  4. Apparently using sessions did not fix it. After attempting a logout, I then checked the cookies, and there is still a SESSID cookie present. Here's part of my logout.php: session_start(); // Access the existing session. // If no session is present, redirect the user: if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { // need the functions. require ('includes/login_functions.php'); redirect_user(); } else { $_SESSION = array(); // Clear the variables. session_destroy(); // Destroy the session itself. setcookie ('PHPSESSID', '', time()-3600, '/', '', 0, 0); // Destroy the cookie. } Thanks!
  5. I switched to using sessions, and I'm not having that problem anymore. But, why were the cookies giving me grief?
  6. Hi guys, Just got this book a while back and am loving it, very helpful. I'm using Chapter 12 to implement a login/out system on my little app I've been working on. I've successfully gotten to the point of being able to log in, and logging out (to a point). In my "includes/navigation.php" file that includes the basic navigation beneath the header, I've included the logout link, but I customized it slightly. Here's my code for that part: <li> <?php if ( (isset($_COOKIE['userid'])) && (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'logout.php') ) { echo "<a href='logout.php'>logout</a> ({$_COOKIE ['username']})"; } else { echo '<a href="login.php">login</a>'; } ?> </li> I basically just wanted the current user's name to be shown next to the logout link within parentheses. That part is working fine, and when I click "logout" it brings me to logout.php and says I've successfully logged out. Great! However... when I click to go to any other page, the navigation again says "Logout (Name)", rather than "Login". Here's my logout.php code: <?php // This page lets the user logout. // If no cookie is present, redirect the user: if (!isset($_COOKIE['userid'])) { // Need the function: require ('includes/login_functions.php'); redirect_user(); } else { // Delete the cookies! setcookie ('userid', '', 0, '/', '', 0, 0); setcookie ('username', '', 0, '/', '', 0, 0); } ?> At first I did have the time()-3600 included, but tried to take that out from this page and the login page, but that didn't seem to have an effect. What am I missing here? Thanks!
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